Stresskall brass knuckles

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Idk what this is um warnings for self-harming. Attempted murder abuse kissing scene and other stuff.
Every day it's the same for 100 dollars a month they have to fight, someone, in an alley, leaving them time die. today it's a girl named Stress monster. How did she make his boss angry he had no clue. He didn't want to know Pridunre was unreasonable.

He decided to hit the gym the moment he put his brass knuckles on they were ready for the fight. The pounding of his fists was the only noise he heard so when his communicator went off telling him her location it was a surprise. She was one city block away when he got there he saw she was about 17 had brown hair he thought she was pretty but, it had to be done.

He attacked her from behind she sees him and uses ice to block him he dodges effortlessly and grabs her neck tight and he whispered in her ear "obey me or die. I won't hurt you if you obey.

She saw no other option so she let him lead him he tied her hands together with rope. Then attached a chain to a wall in his apartment there was blood on the wall but also tear lines and scratches she looked at his hands and saw how scared they were and tried to use ice to heal them but it hurt them instead because of their brass knuckles they nearly got froze to them.

They whispered embracing her I'll be just as kind.
If she wasn't so scared and angry she would have liked the embrace.

Then she heard a door open and inhaled in surprise Iskall wanted to help her but he had to harm her instead but, boss. he cut his thoughts off Ren would know what to do.

Iskall why is there a girl here? I couldn't hurt her so I decided to protect her here. IsKall are you INSANE YOU DON'T DO THAT! Ren, YOU KNOW MY JOB I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! I CANT LIVE MY LIFE LIKE THIS BUT, ITS ALL I HAVE! YOU CANT GET A JOB YOU KNOW THIS BECAUSE. Ren grabbed them by the neck all he heard was yelling Iskall punching a wall and crying they were in Iskalls bedroom she knew because he stayed and Ren stormed out.

Stress tries to help when Ren storms out she walks in only to see them getting salt and pouring it into his bloody wounds. She walked in and shut the door behind her. She put her hand on his wrist he pulled it away and sat down on his bed and looked down at his feet and stated: "I don't need you." "BITCH."With aggression and hate, they growled the word bitch.

She turned away then she heard them struggle with a drawer so she opened it quite quickly then speed-walked away not looking back.

If she would have looked back she would have seen the shaking hand reaching for her.

Iskall realizes that Stress cared for him even though he was a terrible person. She was cute and he did not deserve her help.

He watches her ice skate in the park with Ren later that night. They moved like a couple in harmony and they were happy together. He wished he was there instead of Ren but, it is how it is.

As soon as they separated he asked stress how it was like dating Ren. She giggled We aren't dating. We are friiieeends. She made sure to stress the I and the E. He pushed her and he started looking in her eyes. "Good I don't want you to date my brother but, I assumed."

She looked in their eyes and saw only his hatred for her but, that wasn't the look at all.

The next day he went to his boss and his boss told him to beat Doc up then kill him. The two problems were Doc was Stress' friend and he had never killed anyone. He had only been working there for 3 1/2 months. He said he would do it and instead he warned Doc. Doc was pleased Iskall was finally being a good person.

His boss is pissed for a good reason Doc stole his brother. Made good killers soft and people he gave money to try and report him. He hated Doc and all the hermits except B. So of course he would make him fight in the pen for twelve hours straight. It makes them tougher and less like Doc. He was the whole reason he had to go down this path.

Iskall is barely alive after eleven hours but then a Creeper hybrid and avoiding walk in demanding a girl named Stress back. The only problem is that you can't give back something that you didn't have. Pridunre smirked, "Iskall and Ren know where she is."
Doc and Bdubs turn him in and Ren takes Iskall to Stress and she heals him silently.

When they wake up she is healing a wound on his upper leg. They try to kick at them then he realized it was Stress he was not going to refuse her help again and he kinda liked it. Their eyes were closed as soon as they opened and they couldn't see her looking at him with a smile. She then continued healing them. She checked them over again to make sure there were no more wounds. She left the room to make a call and Iskall realized they were in love tomorrow if she was going on the ice tomorrow they would make sure the ice was frozen solid.

The next day

She is ice skating and she sees Iskall laying in the snow watching her and was keeping the ice froze. They see her looking at them and they move their other hand making a small wind that circles her as she spins and twirls that moment seemed to last forever. They had never seen a girl like that. He continued laying down seeing only their love for her. When she continued skating she was putting on a little show for him and they loved every little second of it. After when she curtsied they ran and cried apologizing for everything.

She stopped them with a kiss and he leaned into it they both did. As soon as they had to breathe they parted the kiss. "St-Stress d-did you mean t-that."

"Yes. Iskall I did" she kissed them again

" I d-don't deserve you." They were crying and she giggled

"What do ya mean. Love is not about deserving someone it is accepting the faults of the other as your own. Then forgiving them."

Iskall gently pecked Stress' ear they stood in the middle of the pond embracing each other and Iskall finally knew what they were missing. He got his brass knuckles out and, made a hole in the ice and they both threw one in

Then they kissed once again only parting for air. As the brass sunk the only thing that they symbolized was hate and aggression that part of Iskall sunk to the bottom to degrade with time.

To the people that followed me thank you so much

1191 words

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