part three cristmas inspired fic

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❤🖤🧡💜💛💙💚  I don't deserve it
X let out an exhale more than one shulker box worth of diamonds lost.

Any game Doc or Grian was in was won by MR except Scars mini-game. X wasn't the only one forced to grind but, X was the most depressed and defeated. Then X got news of server-wide Christmas party including waltzing food Christmas games and much more starting at 9:00 pm sharp on Christmas Day.

He was in, Scar, Kerallis, and, False were also in so he would be able to dance with his crush. He would put the letter in their base before they got done shopping.

Hopefully, Stress was home. He needed to learn how to waltz and get a nice festive suit.

He was met by stresses friendly come in and saw his crush in the most astonishingly pretty dress he had ever seen his jaw dropped. It was modest enough but not a typical ballgown more like a dress you would wear to a club but he loved it there was a little small cut where their leg was at when they twirled he about screamed they were so pretty.

After he got done with his first time Waltzing he dropped off the letter at their house and added.

Ps :
       When you wear that dress
        My heart stops you're too pretty
       Know that warrior ruler

In his mind, he thought they were ok looking maybe it was just the dress bringing out their body. The Santa hatred or the way the dress was made red on the top and a white skirt contrasting with their sword holster that was as black as the night. He didn't know, all he knew was he was in love and falling further in it.

To deny would make him a liar.

To deny that was the prettiest garment would be a lie.

To deny he wanted to hold her and dance with them would be a lie.


On the night of the party


He was looking for them and he locked eyes with them they were watching Doc and Mumbo-Jumbo play twister and laughing at Mumbo who was stuck in a very odd position Doc was stuck in a less awkward position but, his non-robotic hand was shaking. Grian was laughing at Mumby and False was laughing at Doc.

Some hermits were playing other games like spin the bottle or truth or dare even, take a shot when... but, X had his eyes stuck on a girl. She returned the stare, he stepped forward and she strutted to him then spun knowing X would get his heart stuck in his throat.

Being the careful person she is she had the opportunity to make another move she didn't instead she whispered while looking at her feet. "That poem made me feel special and loved.  she paused and looked into his eyes thank you. " instead of saying something like you are special and loved or whatever X grabbed her hand and held it. You are not special to me he was looking down at his feet still holding her hand. "You are my queen."

the music rapidly changes pace for a fast exciting dance their bodies moving perfectly then the music slows they move to the speed in harmony then false spins and the music speeds up X rapidly advances trying to keep up to the speed they move fast and together then as soon as the music speeds up it slows.

The next song is faster but, the prettiest song they heard tonight it sounded like it could not be played without them being together. If they were apart they would long for each other. They move rapidly but, controlled when the music finally slows down another song starts it is fast but even though they are tired they don't want to separate.

Sometimes it's so fast they stumble but then it gets so slow False can kiss him on the neck without worries but then it started to speed up so fast X stumbled he recovered but he was embarrassed.
She whispered in his ear "all your derps and stumbles and innocent cursing I love it"

The next song was fast but you could make advances on your partner and turn them on without missing a beat.

The final song was mysterious but increased in speed often it kept on getting faster then it slowed then it increased times two and that kept on repeating it got so fast they had to move as one and their bodies felt connected as one being. She took his mask off revealing his red eyes but, she didn't care they were connected. He kissed her and, didn't stop until they had to part to breathe.

He asked her if it was ok to kiss her again False made the second move kissing his neck. Then it was on they kissed with passion and love X was thawing with every kiss and he was going to kiss False until she said to stop. That was no time soon in fact she was wanting to be kissed even more. False loved the feeling of being wanted and loved. she missed out on that as a child and hated her body so X was helping both of them. They were still on the dance floor kissing on the lips and neck.

Everyone was looking at them even the people playing games. Cleo was told by Joe not to fangirl as soon as they separated Cleo ran to X she was beyond happy that he found a date.

She also loved their outfits together X had a black suit with a green tie with Christmas lights on it. They looked perfect together after they gambled a little and Grian won.

It was midnight and False dropped her shoe a black leather boot with heels and started running. Everyone was beyond excited when X ran after her he grabbed his coat and the boot. Then he started running after her. He found her a few minutes later in a forest she was slaying mobs.

He loved the way she moved the way the dress moved with her he almost wanted to let her do it but he grabbed his sword and slain a creeper behind her. She smiled and killed a skeleton that was about to shoot at him. Then they headed off.

He gave her his coat and flew to his base for some hot cocoa and false was right beside him she knew they would end up sleeping together on the couch snuggling so she made a pitstop at her base to get her PJ's and robe. Unsurprisingly they went to sleep together after they kissed goodnight countless times.

Little did they know two ghosts that wanted the best for him got to go to heaven that night.

The coldest winter was finally thawing after six long winters.

If spring can melt the snow away can it melt away all our mistakes?

No, but, love can. Love is a spring of warmth and melts the coldness in our hearts.
Original 863 words
Story 1186 words
Plus notes 1291 words
I needed to know who won and the hermits released that on the twentieth so I had four days to write this I only used two sorry if this had bad errors it's only 8:51 AM I started at 7:30 cleaning it up editing, and changing it. Yesterday I did the bulk this girl that makes those videos like the one at the top is keeping me alive and inspired. Not the reason I included waltzing. Not


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