366 days

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Beware for these are the musings of a broken soul.

A nightmarish tale of a person adrift,

Caught in the middle, a stasis of inevitability

This universe thrust upon.

Palimpsests here and there,

How far and yet so lost.

Paths ahead of me,

Which to take without regret?

Which to walk upon until the end?

Waking up dead and sleeping each night

Alive, so wonderfully alive.

Bittersweet thoughts racing through my brain,

Too many to turn into constellations.

Much like this poem,

Too incoherent, too chaotic.

It is all ending and yet,

The puzzle is still jumbled.

Existential conundrum; I am just human.

Secrets I Whisper to the Stars at NightWhere stories live. Discover now