Chapter One; Sparing

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Chap 1; Sparing
Warning; blood and open wounds
     Tommy fell down with a thump, making the pairs of eyes watching the fight pierce into him like an arrow. He wiped the sweat off his brow and then tore his blue ocean eyes away from the attackers black boots, slowly looking up at his older brother's head. He had a cocky smirk plastered on his face, his strawberry blond hair falling ever so slightly in front of his eye. "Techno is victorious once again!" He taunted, turning his gaze to face his little brother. Tommy met his gaze while Techno pulled out a bandaged hand out to help him up, his pink leather sleeve covering almost all of his hand, leaving his palm and fingers open to grasp. Tommy took his hand with a scowl on his beaten face. "Yeah well if it weren't for the blinding sun in my eyes I would have beaten you! I want a rematch!" Tommy complained with his blond eyebrows knit together. "Of course you would blame it on the sun!" Techno said, a bit of humor tracing his voice. Techno carefully picked up the sword, it glistened in the early morning sun, he traced his finger across the blade and gave Tommy a look that could kill even the bravest soldier, glowing pinkish eyes and black and yellow laced pupils, a shadow drawn across his face, hiding the normal relaxed and calm expressions he normally would wear. Tommy felt a cold shiver run down his spine even in the late summer, when it was still hot outside, he gulped and took his blade gingerly and braced himself for battle. Techno took a fighting stance and he patiently let Tommy take the first swing. Weird, Techno normally likes to take the first hit. Tommy thought, a slightly confused expression landed one his face for a second, I like to swing to my right normally so to surprise him I will start with my left! Tommy thought quickly, almost tasting the victory he has been hungry for, for a long while, he knit his eyebrows and swung, a sharp silver slice through the air, charging its way at his oldest brother faster that the eye could see. Techno's eyes widened a bit as he expected the usual attack from his youngest brother, but he quickly sidestepped to the right at the very last second, the blade scraped the glistening armor he wore, leaving a fine cut through it, Techno maneuvered around the wildly swinging boy until he found an opening in his stance, but to his surprise Tommy has left that as a trap, when Techno went to strike, he left his feet undefended and Tommy lashed out with his front foot, knocking his older brother off his feet, Techno stabbed his sword in the earth to stop his fall and kicked out with his feet as Tommy did and they nearly connected but missed by a hair, Tommy saw the opening and slashed out, cutting the strawberry blonde's arm and drawing blood, Techno winced in pain and spun around with a sword in hand, his right ear twitched up and down and his left arm dropped by his side, blood slowly dripped from the wound, making small pools of the liquid on the ground, reflected by the sun, it stood out compared to the soft lime green of the grass. Tommy quietly cheered to himself at the wound and it boosted his confidence, as Techno was trained by the king himself, dad or king Phill, Techno has become the most powerful in the kingdom, surpassing even his teacher. suddenly, in a flash Techno was roaring on Tommy, slashing out in all different directions, they looked like they were random, but each one was calculated perfectly, each one landing were he planned, His sinister smirk grew and grew with each cut, barely drawing blood, his pointed teeth shined in the early sun, and his pink upper half of his face was as blank as a sheet of paper, Tommy couldn't tell if he was in pain or worried or happy, all he could tell was that he was losing. Tommy blocked one of his attacks and stretched out, cutting a bit of his strawberry blond hair, Techno grew mad and kicked out, sending Tommy tumbling face first to the ground. The blond grunted and threw his head in his hands once he sat up. "No!" The younger complained as he stretched his back as straight as a pencil, then leaned forward touching the edge of the blond's shoe. A slow clap sounded from behind the youngest. Servants parted, nearly scrambling out of the way as they bowed to the second in line for the throne. The brunette stepped into view, slowly clapping with a proud look plastered on his face, his brown eyes shone with excitement. "Hey Wilbur!" The strawberry blond said, waving his bleeding arm, then immediately regretting it, as he winced and put a hand over the wound. "Just in time your majesty." Wilbur teased as he bowed down to his older brother, nearly dropping his black beanie. "I am not the king yet." Techno said, amusement traced his voice as he exaggerated the yet in his sentence. Tommy sighed and stood up facing the middle child with a silly look in his beautiful blue eyes, despite the fresh blood tracing his nose and over his eyebrow. "Dad said he wants us, unfortunately, I missed the best part and just got Techno beating you up Tommy." Wilbur teased, snickering to himself, " He actually tricked me, and got a good cut in." Techno said, kind of proud of his younger. "Hm really? I guess you wouldn't give yourself that nasty scar would you! Let's get you guys cleaned up shall we?" Wilbur said turning around facing one of the many castle entrances, as he waved for his two brothers to follow him. 

>>>      <<<(this means the POV switches, I will always start the POV with the characters name)

Tubbo looked around nervously. I can't believe I am watching two sons of the KING spar! Right in front of me! Tubbo thought anxiously, twisting his thumbs in anticipation to see who the victor will be, then a loud thump interrupted his thoughts, Tommy was on the grass, his blond hair gently blowing in the wind, the early sun was just behind him, so he looked like he was glowing, his cute ocean-like eyes were fixed upon the black boots of Techno, the best fighter of Heratopia. "Techno is victorious once again!" The strawberry blond boasted, he helped the blond up and they began to spar again, Tubbo watched in amazement as they fought with bravery and strength. He was taught to fight, but his life goal was to be taught buy Techno or Tommy themselves. Footsteps echoed behind him, they dragged on, but they were in an orderly pattern, like how a royal would walk. Tubbo tried to look at the figure when it started to clap slowly, his dark brown hair gently flowing in the soft breeze, servants next to him scrambled away from the figure and dropped to a bow. Tubbo's eyes widened and he gaped at the sight, Wilbur, the second born son of the king stepped out of the door way, one hand on top of the other, they spread apart then came back together, and echoing sound that rattled his head, he immediately dropped to a bow and let the Royal pass, Wilbur dipped his head to Tubbo, they made eye contact, and Tubbo was flustered, to be fair, the brunette was beautiful, his curly dark brown hair partly covering one brown perfectly shaped eye, and the beanie propped on his head of  hair like a cherry on ice cream, the servants straightened up and intertwined their fingers behind their back, Tubbo copied their behavior, and gazed off into the three boys direction. Now that he paid attention to all of them together, they all were very beautiful, not just the brunette, the strawberry blond, Techno, was very handsome in a kind of intimidating way, half of his face was a deep shade of pink, with his face resembling of a pig's nose. His eyes glowed a white color, while his yellow and black laced pupils flowed with the courage of no other, he wore a pink leather jacket, and underneath he wore a silver t-shirt, then he wore ripped jeans, with long buckled black boots. Tommy, in which he found most attractive, a blonde, with cute and piercing ocean blue eyes, with a red sleeved white shirt and jeans, which matched with him perfectly, his blond hair almost touching his eye. Tubbo spaced out on the three, then suddenly they started to come his way, or back the way the brunette came, the strawberry blonde holding his left arm with his right hand. Tommy started to walk over to Tubbo after a small conversation with his two older brothers, "Hey, Tubbo, was it? Um, me and my brothers need an escort back to the throne room so come along with us." Tommy said reaching his hand behind his neck, not stopping to see if his name was actually Tubbo. Tubbo blushed and followed after them in a hurry. Ah! His mind screamed. He panicked and fumbled along with the three, he had never talked to them, or even got a few feet near them. Tubbo, in a worried state, thought the whole castle could hear his heart beating out of his chest, "you did a good job sparing today!" The strawberry blonde said, striking a conversation to Tommy, "its not over yet! Once dad will let us go I am gonna taste victory, Techno!" Tommy said, determination swimming in the ocean of Tommy's blue eyes. "Yeah, good luck,Techno can even beat dad!" Wilbur said, his cheeks giving way, showing he had smiled a lot. Tubbo smiled to see three people so close, he wondered if he should join the conversation. "No really, you fought well! I am sure you can beat him one day!" Tubbo said, nervousness tracing his voice, making him tremble a bit, "See! Tubbo is smart you should listen to him!" Tommy said, pushing his hair back with his pointer and middle finger, striking Tubbo a look of thanks. Techno smiled and mumbled something Tubbo couldn't pick up, Wilbur snickered and pushed open the grand door to the throne room, a few guards stood and bowed to the higher authority. Tubbo waited at the door, he could feel his ears heat up from the encounter, and the look in Tommy's eyes when he complemented him, but the brunette brushed off the butterflies starting to take flight in his stomach and stood watch to make sure the three people he treasured in his life would be safe from all harm.
-End Of Chapter One-
1820 words

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