Episode 9

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From Literature to Manga: A Memory of a Past Decision

            While inside the depth of her mind, Mashiro let herself relax from the stress of the battles she and the other Seishin Guardians had faced day-in and day-out. There was one memory she could recall vividly as she gave herself time to consider something about it.

            That man from before… her inner self thought. There is something about him I can’t stop thinking about. Why is that? Surely, a stranger has never truly impacted my head’s placeholder before. Yet… The sad expression he donned the night he and his friends came here was not a look that could have lied to anyone like myself. Not to mention Sophie, Lia, and Airi were there with his group of companions. I do not understand. There must be a reason that they are with him, but still. I cannot underestimate the fact that my heart ruptures whenever he comes to mind. Am I a figure permitted to have such conflicts of becoming closer to him from afar? Should I be able to have these emotions of mystical passion? My role in life is to lead the Guardians from my year and maintain order so I can end the war with them. We are one in our desire to do so; therefore, I mustn’t waver from my purpose. To protect this country is a holy value my comrades and I will confront without regrets. As long as we serve a promise to Seishin Academy, none of us will stop fighting for as long as we live.

            As she mentally reinforced her resolve, a sudden blast from outside snapped Mashiro out of her thoughts, causing her to turn swiftly towards the strongest sensation of the force. She instantly stood up from her seat and stared at the large screen in front of her eyes, taking in what had just happened on the battlefield.

            “…!” Her gaze was stuck as she saw a few of her fellow members wounded outside, and a mix of emotions was spurring themselves into her chest at the sight of harmful play. Yet, those same soldiers who were dedicated to her guidance were still alive and ready for a counterattack.

            As Shuu rushed in, he could tell Mashiro was still trying to find a solution to the endless catastrophe they were in. “Don’t worry, Tsuneha-san! I’ll handle it.” He activated his transceiver situated on the left side of his uniform which was over his chest [above his heart, on the fold]. Then, he spoke into it. “Everyone, hang in there. We can pull through this. Don’t give up and keep moving forward.” He turned off his communication device and looked at the fawn-haired girl once more. “Sorry for the interruption, but I had to do my duty as well. I know it came as a surprise, but they’ll be fine.”

            Mashiro shook her head and glanced down with her stern gaze, reflecting on her incapacity to concentrate on the outside earlier. “No, I was at fault myself. Had I not been averting my attention, this would have been prevented. However. I now will realign my focus on aiding you and all the other Guardians once more, and put that determination in granting you the ability to see your loved one once and for all. I do believe this ongoing war was something I indirectly instigated in the first place, Shuu. I’m still sorry it had to turn out this way, but I’ll make it up to you. And… to her.” She raised her head, steadily shifting it slightly behind on her left, over her shoulder. Her expression was glazed with a tranquil, yet apologetic calmness in her eyes, while her mouth was staidly firm, creating a look of absolute resolve. Such a straight face was much more engraving than the heiress’s stoic front from the Kanzaki family. Not even Ren could have matched the Seishin Guardian leader’s appearance, despite being able to rival Cheryl’s own indifferent state. “No matter the circumstances, I will keep my vow to the two of you; whether or not she’ll accept my presence is none of my concern, but I will also continue to play this so-called niche of mine until then. When the time comes to finish everything, I’ll be prepared for what fate has in store for me. I won’t regret my actions for this, and I‘ll be able to lift this weight off my shoulders because of you two, along with the rest of the Guardians. Perhaps it was a good thing that I rejoined you all to conclude this conflict.” A faint smile of gratitude appeared on Mashiro’s face as she continued to look at her close supporter. “Thank you.”

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