Episode 5

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What’s Led Us to Where We Are Today

          “Yamato,” Mashiro said with a stern expression, “I want to know… about your family.” As she looked at Yamato, Mashiro had an intense stare, which soon transformed itself into yet another sad expression from the fawn-haired girl. Her eyes lowered and she looked down. “There’s just so much I don’t know about you, and it’s been bothering me this whole time we’ve been married. I was wondering whether or not I was really suited to be your wife since we haven’t talked to each other about our families very much. That’s why…I want to get to know you better, for both our sakes.”

            Yamato’s eyes widened when he finally understood the situation. His expression relaxed and his arms came down to his sides. “Mashiro…” He looked down with his own sorrowful expression dawning his face. “I never knew… that you felt that way. I’m sorry for not noticing sooner. Please forgive me.”

            I didn’t see any signed of concern for me, not even once, he thought. Perhaps it was because I never checked on her this whole time, or even turned around in the mornings when I left for work. I always saw a smile on her face as she waved at me. Damn it all… It was all my fault for not being a good husband to her even though I promised on the day of our wedding.

            He sighed, continuing his thoughts.

            Man… I still don’t know why I even said those words, but I knew I was pretty happy to at least say something like that for someone else’s sake, and it turned out to be for Mashiro. But should I have told everyone that day that I would be giving her a false sense of joy? And what did Kuni mean by wanting to give me true happiness, anyway? I still don’t get it. Is there a purpose for this, or what? What is it that he’s trying so hard to do for me? Well, not that he’s actually trying that much since he’s a lazy bum, but still. He could have told me more about his intentions. If he had done that, I wouldn’t have been dragged into this mess in the first place. I do have to admit that it was mainly because of me that he pitched in, though.

            Another sigh.

            I guess it’s up to me now to get myself, along with Mashiro, out of this fake marriage. But before I can do that, I have to be honest with her.

            After finishing his inner point of view, Yamato glanced up and stared strongly into Mashiro’s eyes. “Alright,” he said, “I’ll tell you. About my family. You see, I was raised by my mother for most of my life. But when I was almost eighteen, she passed away. That was about five years ago. At that point, I had already graduated from high school with Yuta. You and the girls were probably about to start your last year of high school by then. At any rate, I was preparing to go to college within a few months, but… It was during the summer three days before my birthday.”

July 17, 1999

            A nearly eighteen-year-old Yamato Kougami was on his way towards the college he was going to go to during the fall semester of that year. He had always dreamt of becoming a physics teacher for quite some time now, and he was proud of the occupation he had chosen before his graduation with his friend, Yuta.

            Within a few minutes, he stopped and gazed at the large building that was several meters away from where he was standing. His mouth opened and his eyes widened in astounding awe and amazement at the sight. He could not wait until he could finally take his designated classes there in a few months.

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