Episode 11

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Planning for a Resolution

            Yamato stared into the eyes of Sophie and Cheryl’s grandmother, and knew. There was something he needed to make out and announced to everyone who was listening to their conversation. “Pardon me for a little, but I have to say this no matter what. For those who may be dropping in on what I have to say, there’s just one thing I need to make clear.” As he kept on gazing into the pale ice-like eyes that looked upon him, he said, “My love for Mashiro is far too great to be left alone. Ever since the night I met her, I was sure she was the one for me, but I was too hardheaded to even notice how I felt back then. Even so, I imparted my first kiss on her while she was asleep, and I stole hers along with it. It was then that I could sense my own heart opening up to her in order to allow my selfish ego to fall in love for the first time in my life. Although I continued to deny my feelings for her whenever someone would bring up the fact I was in love with her, I was unable to resist against my budding emotions. Despite what anyone says about how I feel towards my wife, I can never throw away what my heart wants, and I want to be with Mashiro for as long as I am here in this life, and further than that, too. I was arrogant to think that I could get away with what I planned out for myself, but it shattered my relationship with the woman I love.” The auburn-haired man’s voice shook. “I don’t want to lose Mashiro ever again, so I’m willing to risk anything to see her one more time, if that’s all I can ever do to have my wish granted. No other woman could replace her because every bit of my affection goes solely to her and her only.” That was when he finally found himself smiling with a fond love for his wife. “Because she came to live and aid me with my ordeal, I was happy to be with her. I was also able to gain the ability to love her without knowing everything about her, and she was the one who gave me the power to confront my hatred for my father and rid my entire being of it, so I could accept and understand the true person within him. I could finally love my dad thanks to her.”

            The elderly woman frowned after hearing Yamato’s loving words towards Mashiro. “You. How can it be that you can say those words so easily, a feat which you yourself have done without much trouble?”

            This prompted Yamato to shake his head. “No. It’s not any trouble for me at all since I truly do feel that way when it comes to Mashiro. She, and my friends made me realize what I had been missing all my life, and I decided to become someone who could reflect on my emotions because of them. If they weren’t here for me, I would probably have never changed the person I was up until now. So,” he smile once more with gratitude, “I’m glad I had the opportunity to reflect on what I needed to enhance from within my true self. I was basically an empty shell before I met my wife and her friends, but now, I’m content enough with everything as it is.”

            Kunihiko, who was behind the sliding door with Lia and Airi, was touched by what he heard from the auburn-haired man, who was like an immature kid before then. Yet at the same time, he felt his heart twinge in pain. “Yamato…”

            So the date has finally arrived when he would be able to stand on his own two feet without getting beaten down, the purple-haired man smiled gently, acknowledging his young companion’s step to maturity.  He chuckled for less than a couple (remember, a couple means two, instead of several in case you guys thought the term meant something else) seconds. He’s become such a splendid youth with Mashiro’s company that I never thought I’d hear those beautiful words come out of his mouth in all the years I’ve looked after him and the rest of the guys. Could it be that Yamato has gotten a brighter outlook on everything around him? If that is what has taken place, then I hope he’ll stay that way for the better.

            As the IT company CEO concluded his thoughts and left the Kanzaki estate to return to Long Island, Sophie and Ren, who had also heard Yamato’s proclamation towards the love of his life, appeared suddenly. The turquoise-haired girl slid the right half of the doors open and went into the study.

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