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"My king!"

The throne room was dark, lit dimly by a few spluttering candles. The king glanced down at the knight who had rushed in, displeasure clear on his face. From his heavy breathing and pace, it was evident that he had come as fast as possible. For his sake, he better have brought good news.

"What is it?"

The knight glanced up, admiration and fear warring on his face. He knelt down in front of the king's throne, bowing his head low as he tried to catch his breath. The king, however, was impatient.

"Spit it out already! Or would you like me to kill you and go find someone else with this  information?"

The knight gulped, glanced up. The admiration in his face was gone. Obviously, the fear had won.

"No, my king! My apologies. It's just that we have news from the OFA Kingdom!"

The king titled his head, surveying the knight with cold interest. Could it really be done? After all these years, had the LOV Empire finally succeeded in their goal? 

"Their king, Toshinori Yagi, is dead. He was killed in battle yesterday evening."

The knight was obviously expecting the king to be happy at this news. But one glance at his rock hard expression told him he had said something wrong.

"Yesterday evening you say?"

Hesitantly, the knight nodded.

"And why am I only hearing about this now?"

The knight gulped, hands trembling. "Well, my king, it takes a day normally to get from the OFA Kingdom to your castle. I was lucky to be able to make it here before nightfall."

The king stood up from his throne, taking a menacing step forward. "Forgive me, I just assumed that information this important would be treated accordingly." He strode forward, grabbing the knight by his neck and lifting him into the air as if he weighed nothing. The man choked, trying to breath. The king brought his face right in front of the knights, his eyes gleaming with hate. Then he dropped the man, turning back and sitting in his throne. The knight gasped in air, rubbing his throat.

"I will forgive you, this time. You are dismissed."

The man stood up to leave, but he seemed to hesitate.

"What is it?" The king's voice was low and dangerous, all the threat that anyone would need to spill their words out instantly. 

"Well, my king, we heard some news, but they were only rumors, and-"

"What news?" The king cut him off, staring into his face with eyes empty of emotion.

"We think their might be a son," the knight blurted out. "An heir to the OFA throne."

There was a moment of silence. Nothing moved, not even the candle flames flickered. The knight fidgeted, feeling pinned beneath the king's stare. Finally, the man in the throne spoke.

"Well, what are you waiting for?"

"Find him."


(A/N) So this is kinda short, but whatever. I hope you enjoyed the dark beginning that this is, it will only go up from here. Then down again. 

A little heads up, I know it says this in the description, but this is going to be a bkdk story, so if you don't like that ship, you can leave now. Don't bother sending hate comments, because they won't actually do anything besides boost my story. 

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