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Bakugo's eyes went wide as Yaoyorozu's hands and arms began to glow. Red smoke swirled up from her skin, looking like ink spilled in water as they floated just above her hands. Slowly, the red smoke engulfed the little figure, surrounding it in brilliant shades of color. Then the smoke faded, and the figure was gone. In its place lay a little circular contraption. Mina and Kirishima gasped, and Kaminari just looked dumstruck. Bakugo felt what they were feeling as well. How had the black haired girl done that? 

Jirou smiled, leaning forward and giving Yaoyorozu a kiss on the cheek. "Mo, you're amazing!"

"How did you do that?" Mina's voice was filled with shock, her eyes wide and curious. Yaoyorozu smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck.

"It was a simple enough spell, really. I'm a witch who specializes in creation. I'm good as making small objects and occasionally larger ones." She waved her hands around the room, encompassing all of the little trinkets. "I made most of the things in here."

Mina gasped, looking at all of the beautiful things on the walls and shelves. "Really? They're amazing!" Then the pink haired girl looked back at the object in Yoayorozu's hands. "So what does that do?"

The black haired girl held up the small object, showing it off to the rest of the group. "It's a compass that's been specially made to locate your friend. I hope it helps."

"It's amazing, Mo," Jirou said, taking the compass with a smile. "This will help us more than you can ever know."

Yoayorozu smiled, squeezing Jirou's hand before waving as the group walked out of the shop. Outside, the sun was setting, turning the sky a dark purple. Bakugo blinked around as, up and down the street, lights slowly began to flicker on, different colored candles hanging from the roofs of different shops sputtering to life. People were walking from shop to shop, talking and laughing as if the party earlier had never happened. 

"Why is everyone so calm?"

Mina glanced around, eyeing the villagers who were passing them. "Because, as far as everyone knows, nothing bad happened at the party. All they know is that someone set off a bomb and ruined the dancing, but no one was hurt, so they've moved on."

Bakugo scowled, turning to walk back to the others' house. "As far as they know," he muttered, an image of Izuku burning its way through his thoughts. 

We're coming. Just hang on, Izuku. 

We're coming.


Izuku couldn't sleep.

After the prince's visit, Izuku had paced his cell all day, trying to figure out what he had meant. What was happening tomorrow? And why had the prince looked so scared?

His thoughts kept him up all night, so he was fully awake when footsteps were heard from outside the prison. Six people walked into the room, four of them dressed in guards outfits and the other two dressed in the regalia of royalty. Sadly, Izuku recognized the crown prince and the high king. 

"Ah, little prince. It seems your time to shine has come." The king's voice was pleasant enough as he gestured at one of the guards to open the cell door. The guard did so, and two others walked in, putting heavy chains around Izuku's wrists before he could even move. 

"What do you mean?" The green haired boy tried to put as much spite into his voice as he could, glaring at the king. All for One just smiled coldly, turning to walk back out of the prison. He gestured for the others to follow, and two of the guards dragged Izuku out of the cell by his arms, pulling him after the king. 

They marched up flight after flight of stairs, no one saying a word. Finally, the king came to a pair of large wooden doors. The doors were engraved with symbols and almost ten feet tall, reaching far over Izuku's head. The king smiled as the two guards who weren't holding Izuku shoved the heavy doors apart, revealing the area beyond. 

It was a large arena, the stands filled to bursting with yelling people. The sand floor of the arena was scattered with large rocks, and there were several stains that looked suspiciously like blood. Bile rose in Izuku's throat as the king turned back towards him, smiling evilly. 

"How do you feel about a little fight to the death, hm?"


(A/N) Uh, ya, so shit's about to go down I guess.

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