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The front door of the house was slammed shut in Shoto's face. He blinked, stepping back and raising his hand to knock again. Before he could though, the door was flung open from the inside. A man with blond hair and a bright smile was standing in the doorway, very obviously not the man who had slammed the door on them a moment before. 

"Hello little listeners! What can I do for ya?"

The man's voice was loud and excited, and it hurt Izuku's ears. Shoto flinched slightly at the sudden noise before regaining his composure. 

"We're here to see Shota Aizawa."

A groan was heard from somewhere in the house, but the blonde's smile didn't even falter. 

"What business have you got?"

Shoto hesitated before turning and gesturing to Izuku. "This is Izuku Midoriya. I think that's all I need to say."

This time, the man's smile faltered. But before he could say anything else, he was pulled away from the door by a man with long black hair and a tired looking face. The man cast one look at Izuku before sighing an gesturing them inside.

The four kids sat around a small table, facing the two adults. Izuku couldn't help but look between the two men. They were so different, yet they seemed to get along just fine. The black haired man- Izuku presumed it was Aizawa- leaned forward, eyes locked onto the green haired boy.

"So problem child, how much do you know already?"

Izuku titled his head, looking very much like a confused puppy. "How much do I know about what?"

Aizawa sighed, letting his head fall onto the table. When he spoke, his voice was muffled and annoyed. "I take it that that means you know absolutely nothing." He sat up and shot an accusing glare at Shoto. "You seriously brought him here without telling him anything?"

Shoto just shrugged, seemingly unaffected by the man's glare. "I figure you could explain it better than I could. I was only told so much, and I don't even know how much of what I was told is the truth."

"Wait a minute," Izuku interjected, feeling completely lost. "What are you talking about? What don't I know?"

Aizawa leaned back in his chair, and the blonde shot him a sympathetic smile. "I supposed we'll have to start at the beginning. Ugh, this is going to take forever."


Mitsuki Bakugo was running quickly through the halls of the Toshinori Castle. There were two little boy clutched in her arms, wrapped in blankets and fast asleep, unaware of the distress the woman was in. One boy was her son, Katsuki. The other was Izuku Midoriya. The son of Yagi Toshinori and Inko Midoriya. The crown prince and the heir to the OFA throne. 

Mitsuki heard voices up ahead, and she slowed her pace, trying to act casual. She knew that there were spies in the palace, but she didn't know who they were. As the blonde woman rounded to corner of the hall, she ran straight into Inko Midoriya. 

"Mitsuki! You need to hurry! They'll be here any minute."

Mitsuki nodded, turning to walk past the queen, but Inko reached out quickly, placing a hand on her son's forhead. The little boy stirred in his sleep, mumbling incoherently. Quickly, Inko pressed a kiss to Izuku's forehead before nodding at Mitsuki. 

"Take care of him. Please."

Mitsuki nodded, holding in tears as she started running. She was far away from the castle when she heard the explosions. Glancing back across the hills, she saw smoke rising from the castle that she had called home for so long. 

No one in the castle survived. The only people who made it out were Mitsuki and the two boys. 

Izuku grew up with Mitsuki and Katsuki, not any the wiser about his parents. Time passed. Mitsuki wasn't allowed into the Todoroki kingdom, but a woman named Rei had offered to take in the boys. Mitsuki had agreed, willing to give up the two little kids if it meant they could stay safe. Rei took them in, and Mitsuki was last seen heading back towards what remained of the conquered OFA kingdom. 

Izuku became friends with Todoroki, Iida, and Ochako. Sometime during their teen years, Bakugo had left. He gave no explanation, only a location. 

"If you need me for something important, I'll be in the Dragon Mountains."

That was the last time Izuku had ever seen his childhood friend. As time went on, he grew closer to his other three friends, and he almost forgot about Bakugo. But not quite. Sometimes he would catch himself gazing off at the distant Dragon Mountains. Most of Izuku's childhood was a mystery to him, but a consistent piece of the puzzle had always been Bakugo. 


"I'm a WHAT?"

Aizawa groaned, frowning at Izuku.

"You're a prince. How many times do I need to say it?"

Izuku turned on Shoto, glaring daggers at him. "And you! You knew about this? And you didn't think it was important to tell me?"

Shoto had the grace to look ashamed. "I'm sorry, Izu. I didn't want to put you in danger."

Izuku laughed mirthlessly. "Well it's a little late for that, don't you think? Besides, what am I even supposed to do with this information? It's not like I can reconquer a kingdom all by myself."

"Actually," the blonde man broke in, "there is a way you can. Have you ever heard the legend of the sword All Mighty?"

Izuku shook his head, curious. The blonde smiled widely.

"It's a legendary sword that can only be lifted by the rightful ruler of the OFA kingdom. If you managed to sneak into the Toshinori castle, and if you could take the sword-"

"You could take back the kingdom," Shoto broke in, a gleam in his eyes. The blonde man seemed to deflate, as if he had really wanted to say that line himself. Shoto's face fell, as if a thought had just occurred to him.

"But to get there, we'd have to cross the Dragon Mountains."

A rush went through Izuku at the mention of the mountains. He smiled at Shoto, causing the other boy to frown.

"Oh no. I know what you're thinking. It's not going to work."

"Sure it will!" Izuku leaned over and squeezed Shoto's shoulder. "I think I know just the person to help us get across the Dragon Mountains."


(A/N) hehehe, he's coming >:)

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