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"I would just like it to be known, I hate this plan."

Izuku smiled at Shoto, who was frowning up at the large cave in front of them.

"Um, so I don't really remember this guy, but wasn't he kinda... mean?" Ochako piped up, leaning around the green haired boy to look into the dark cave. 

"It'll be fine!"

I hope.

"Come on, I'll just go in without you guys anyways."

Iida made a chopping motion with his hands, turning to face the cave.

"Most definitely you will not! It could be dangerous! Come along, friends."

Izuku smiled as Ochako timidly followed Iida inside. The green haired boy went next, and Shoto brought up the rear, muttering about stupid impulsive planners. Izuku was 90% sure that the prince wasn't talking about him. 

The inside of the cave was dark and wet. Shoto pulled a torch out of his bag, lighting it and holding it up to illuminate the cavern (Shoto seemed to always have some sort of fire started on him at all times. Izuku couldn't explain it.)

"It's really cold in here," Ochako said her teeth chattering like crazy. Shoto handed her the torch, and she took it, smiling at him. "Th- thanks."

Suddenly, a roar shook the cave. Izuku's hand jumped to his sword as he glanced deeper into the dark. 

"What was-"

Ochako's voice cut off with a shriek as flames lit the cave. A huge dragon came clambering out of the dark, smoke pouring out of its nose and fire coming out of it's mouth in heavy breaths. Shoto and Iida pulled out their swords, but before Izuku could do the same, a shadow fell from near the ceiling, landing right on top of him. 

Izuku fell backwards, hitting his head hard on the stone ground. The figure had him pinned to the ground, and before the green haired boy could move an inch, a blade was at his throat.

"Don't. Move."

Izuku could hear his friends yelling, but the green haired boy couldn't take his eyes off of the others face. Familiar blonde hair fell into his face, covering the bright red eyes that Izuku had missed. 

"Ack! Kacchan, it's me! It's Izuku!"

Recognition dawned in the boy's red eyes. He scowled, getting off of Izuku and backing away. Shoto and Ochako rushed over to make sure the green haired boy was ok while Iida turned to face Bakugo.

"Do not think you can get away with hurting Izuku like that! I do not care if you used to be friends, I will not hesitate!" (A/N I won't hesitate, bItCh!)

Bakugo just scoffed, turning to follow the dragon back into the depths of the cave. 

"Whatever. You extras should leave, if you know what's good for you."

"Kacchan please, just hear me out."

Bakugo turned at the sound of Izuku's voice, eyeing the green haired boy as he struggled to his feet, assuring Ochako that he was perfectly fine. 

"What?" Katsuki's voice was dripping with venom, but Izuku ignored it, pushing forwards.

"It's kinda a long story."


(A/N) He's here and he's beautiful!

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