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"Come on, Kacchan, it'll be fun!"

Bakugo scowled at Izuku, crossing his arms over his chest. Izuku sighed, turning to Kirishima and the others, pleading. Mina stepped forwards, throwing an arm over Bakugo's shoulder.

"Bakubitch, if you don't come, we won't take your friends to the border."

"They're not my friends," Bakugo grumbled, but he turned back to the castle gate. Izuku smiled after him before following, the other seven behind him. The Takami castle was as beautiful inside as it was outside. There were people everywhere, some dressed in fancy clothes, others in normal garments. All of the people were mingling together, the rich with the middle class with the poor. 

"Is this- normal?"

Kirishima smiled at Izuku's confused expression. "I mean, ya. Is this not normal for the Todoroki Kingdom?"

Izuku just shook his head, looking around in wonder. The room they had entered had a high, ornate ceiling, large windows on either side of fifty foot portraits. The portraits depicted several people, but all of them looked like they were related in some way. They all had the same wavy blonde hair and narrow eyes.


A voice boomed from a raised balcony above the room. There were several responses of Thank you and Good day before the room went quiet. The man standing on the balcony looked like an exact replica of the people in the portraits around him. His wavy blonde hair was short, pushed back off his face except for a few strands which were hanging in his eyes. He had narrow, gold eyes that were accentuated by the long black eyeliner he was wearing. Izuku guessed that this man must be King Keigo Takami.

Keigo was dressed in a fashionable suit with a red cloak hanging over his shoulders. There was a pin on his cloak that was shaped in the symbol of a hawk, which was the symbol of the kingdom. In fact, when Izuku glanced around, he started to notice many more hawks statues around the room. Keigo was still talking, and Izuku pulled his gaze around from the room to look at the king.

"I hope everyone has fun tonight! Now, let the party commence!"

The crowd cheered, and music began to play from a corner. People split into pairs, dancing together and laughing. To Izuku, it was surprisingly... nice. He had been to many of King Enji's parties, but they had never felt quite like a party. 

"Hey, Izu! Come dance with us!"

Izuku turned to see a smiling Ochako, her arm entwined with Iida's. Izuku smiled, walking over to them. Shoto nodded to Ochako and Iida before turning, saying something to Bakugo in a low voice. Kacchan frowned but nodded, and the two made their way onto the dance floor. Izuku frowned after them, his eyebrows creasing.

"What do you think that was about?"

Ochako shrugged, turning her attention from the two disappearing boys to smile at Iida. 

"What ever. Let's dance!"


"What do you want, Icy Hot?"

Todoroki frowned, offering his hand for Bakugo to take. "That nickname still doesn't make sense, but whatever. I need to talk to you about something."

Bakugo scowled at Todoroki's hand before taking it, stepping into the dance. "If this is about me leaving, I'll tell you now, you can't stop me."

"It's not about that. Well, not entirely."

Bakugo frowned up at Todoroki, who was glancing out over the dance floor. "It's about Izuku."

Katsuki tensed, squeezing Todoroki' hand a little too hard. "What about Deku?"

"I know you still love him."

Bakugo froze, staring up at Todoroki in shock. How could he tell? How-

"Like hell I am. Where did you get that idea?"

Todoroki scoffed. "Please, don't try to pull that shit. You've always loved him. That's why you left in the first place." Bakugo was about to object, but Todoroki cut him off. "I don't care if you leave. But you better tell Izuku the real reason. Or I will."


"Oi, Deku, I need to talk to you."

Izuku glanced up at Bakugo, frowning. 


Kacchan grabbed Izuku's wrist, dragging him off the dance floor and towards a door that would take them outside. Behind him, Ochako protested, but she didn't try to follow them. Bakugo pushed the door open, the cold evening air blowing through Izuku's hair.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

Bakugo leaned against the railing of the balcony they were standing on. He had a far away look in his red eyes, which confused Izuku. That was new. 

"I already told you that I'm leaving after tonight."

Izuku nodded, but he felt his heart sink. He knew that Kacchan was going to leave, but some part of him had hoped that maybe the blonde would change his mind. Bakugo continued talking, not looking at the green haired boy next to him.

"Icy Hot convinced me to tell you why."

Izuku frowned, confused. Why? Did there need to be a why? 

"It's ok, Kacchan. You don't have to tell me. I know."

Bakugo's head shot up, his eyes wide. "You- you know?"

Izuku nodded, smiling. "You're leaving because you still hate me, right? That's why you left all those years ago."

Kacchan stared at the green haired boy, shock written all over his face. "That's not- no, that's not it. Deku- Izuku, I-" Bakugo reached out, taking one of Izuku's hands in his. "I-"

An explosion sounded from inside the room, blowing the doors to the balcony open. Izuku jumped to his feet, staring in confusion. There were yells and screams coming from inside. Bakugo was also on his feet, striding forwards. Izuku made to follow him, but the blonde stuck out a hand, stopping him.

"Wait here. Please."

Normally, Izuku would have blatantly ignored the order. But the please caught him off gaurd. He stared after Bakugo as the blonde rushed back into the room, his cape billowing behind him. Before the green haired boy could decide what he wanted to do, a voice sounded from behind him.

"Found you."

A hand clamped around Izuku's arm. The boy tried to push away, tried to fight, but his attacker held fast. Izuku's hand reached for his sword, but something heavy connected with the back of his head, and he fell to the ground, his vision going black.

This couldn't be good.


(A/N) Shoto sees all, Shoto knows all. All hail Shoto Todoroki.

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