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Bakugo ran into the ballroom, coughing and waving smoke away from his face. What the hell had happened? Frantically, he looked around for the idiots who had dragged him here. Seeing Todorokia and Uraraka, he ran over to them, talking loudly to be heard over the yelling.

"What the hell happened?"

Uraraka was coughing, shaking her head. Todoroki pulled her to her feet, letting her hold on to his arm. "I don't know. One second, everything was fine, and the next," he waved his arms around the room, encompassing the whole mess. Iida came running out of the crowd, dragging the four shop idiots behind him.

"We must leave! Where is Izuku?"

"He's on the balcony still." Bakugo lead the way back through the screaming crowd, dodging feet and arms. Shoving the balcony doors open, Bakugo came face to face with-


There was no one there. Wind blew through Bakugo's hair as he looked around frantically. Dammit. Why now?

"Um, guys?"

Bakugo whirled to see Uraraka holding a piece of paper. "This was tacked to the door."

The blonde stepped forward, grabbing the paper from her and staring at it. Bakugo's eyes went wide, and he collapsed to the ground, the piece of paper falling from his grip. Todoroki stepped forwards but froze when he saw the symbol on the paper.

It was inked in dark red, large, spiky, and unmistakable. 



Izuku's eyes shot open. He rubbed the back of his head, wincing at the lump he felt there from where he had been knocked out. What-

"Ah, you're awake."

Slowly, Izuku raised his eyes from the ground to look up at the man in front of him. The man was sitting on a throne that looked like it was made of bones, and he had a large spiky crown on his head. His smiled sent a shiver down Izuku's spine, but the boy forced a smile onto his face.

"That chair doesn't look to comfortable."

Something smacked Izuku on the cheek, and his head snapped to the side.

"Don't talk."

The voice growled from behind him, and Izuku recognized it as the same person who had knocked him out. He gritted his teeth, tasting iron in his mouth. The man in the throne was still talking.

"I'm so glad that, after all this time, I'm finally getting to meet the infamous prince. What was it like, growing up by yourself?"

Anger rose in Izuku and he couldn't help the retort that spilled out of his mouth. "You say you're glad to meet me, but I can't exactly say the same. Who are you exactly?"

That earned him another slap. Izuku blinked, putting on a mock confused look. "Oh? Did I say something wrong? Ignore my manners, growing up as a normal civilian has tainted me."

The man in the throne scowled, standing up and walking forwards. 

"You don't know who I am? Isn't it obvious?" The man spread his arms wide, smiling. "I am King All For One. I think we're going to have a lot of fun together, little prince." 


(A/N) I'm sorry but sassy Izuku gives me life

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