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Izuku woke to the sound of screams.

Sitting up in his bed, the screams grew louder. They sounded like they were coming from outside the house. As Izuku frantically got dressed, Rei Todoroki ran into his room, out of breath and looking scared.

"Izuku! You have to go now."

The green haired boy was confused, but he let his friend's mother pull him by the wrist to the front door. Shoto was waiting there, along with Iida. They were both dressed in traveling clothes with their swords strapped to their sides. 

"What- what's going on?"

Izuku was fully awake now, glancing around the street. It looked like smoke was rising from the center of the kingdom, but since Rei lived in the outskirts, it was rather far away. The screams, however, were very close.

"There's no time. You kids have to leave now."



Rei's usually gentle voice had taken on a hard edge. He turned to her and realized she had tears running down her cheeks. 

"The best thing you can do for the kingdom's right now is get away safely. Please, just do that for me. Ok?"

Izuku had never known his mother. She had died when he was young, and most of his life had been spent living with Rei in her small house at the edge of the Todoroki kingdom. She was the closest thing to a mother he had ever had. He stepped forwards and wrapped her in a hug, feeling tears rolling down his own face.


The he turned and followed Shoto and Iida as they ran towards the kingdom's closest gates. A figure ran into Izuku from the side, causing him to stumble. He glanced down and saw Ochako, looking scared and confused. 

"Izuku! What's going on? My house is empty. My parents-"

Shoto gripped her shoulder, making the brunette look him in the eyes. "We have to go. I'll explain everything on the way, but right now we have to find Aizawa."


But Shoto just turned, walking quickly towards the gate. The other three had no choice but to follow him. Right when they reached the wall, a large boom shook the ground. Hot air blasted them through the gate and onto the ground. Izuku coughed, squinting back into the kingdom. The distant shape of the Todoroki family castle was on fire.

Izuku glanced at his friend, but the prince's face was completely blank. But he met the green haired boys gaze, and Izuku could see the tears swimming there. 

"Let's go."

They walked for hours. The sun rose and then sunk, hanging just above the horizon. Shoto insisted that they were close to their destination. Just like he had said three hours before. 

"Sho," Izuku huffed, trying to ignore the stitch in his side. "We've been walking all day. If we aren't going to get there before tonight, then shouldn't we find a place to make camp for the night?"

"Also, where exactly are we going?" Uraraka sounded even more tired than Izuku felt. "You still haven't answered."

Shoto let out a sigh before rounding a bend in the path they were taking. As the others followed around the corner, a small house came into view. It looked old but well taken care of, and there was smoke rising from the chimney. Someone was obviously living there. 

Todoroki pointed with his hand, though now it seemed kind of obvious that this was their destination. "There's a man who lives here, Shota Aizawa. He can explain everything to you better than I could. But I promise you, he can help."


(A/N) Dadzawa, anyone?

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