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once upon a time
there was a girl who wanted
nothing more than
to be happy

so she tried
and she tried
but happiness was always
out of reach

she realized things about herself
she never thought she would
she didn't feel like herself
she wasn't who she was meant to be

so she died
and resurrected
and became

they started their journey
to happiness
and really tried this time
trying to figure out who they were

with many ups and downs
full of tears and heartache
things began to change

they realized that maybe
if they kept trying
things would get better
over time

so they tried
and they tried
and tried
to be happy

and it happened unnoticed
things weren't so gloomy
things seemed better
and they felt good

they began
to feel


author's note:
yo, so i just wanted to post this. obviously i haven't posted in quite a long time, but here i am. i really took all this time and i worked on myself. honestly, not that my depression has gone away, but i know things are getting better. and i can honestly say, i am starting to feel better. also i go by they/them

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