Chapter 1

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The Sun & The Moon( Don't Forget The Stars) Kenny Ackerman x Reader

Ecedentesaist- A Person Who Fakes A Smile

Loud laughter and threats were thrown from across the room. The stiff smell of beer and roasted potatoes filtered through the air as people slammed their empty cups onto the table wanting a refill.
Sighing heavily, I blew a strand of hair out of my face and quickly added the smile I wore back on.
The more you smile, the more tips. But that meant more compliments, and each one became worse and worse and worse. And each one came from an even worse and worse and worse customer.
Sending a laugh at customers whenever they said a 'joke', somewhat disgusted me, but it wasn't as bad as what Sahida received.
Silky black hair that went to her hips, almond skin tone with tattoos scattered across, Sahida was the most beautiful woman you'd lay your eyes on. And with that, she attracted the worst of them all.
I began to twiddle with my (h/c), hoping for my shift to end, along with Sahidas'. We could get out somehow, leave the Underground and-
"Hey! (Y/n), some refills here!" A customer called out. I turned around to Boros waving his cup in the air, laughing with his friends.
Sending a quick smile, I picked up the pitcher filled with beer and swayed my way over to the drunks.
"Well, what about it (Y/n), will you go out with me this time?" Boros hollered as he took a swig of his newly filled cup. A few droplets dripping down his oddly clean-cut black beard.
Letting out a soft laugh, and keeping my customer smile on, I shook my head.
"When pigs fly , Boros, when pigs fly."
Walking behind the bar and into the kitchen, I picked up the new hot plate of freshly made meat pies.
"Oh, this smells so good!" Sahida whimpered, as she slid into the kitchen taking a dip whiff of the batch.
"You get the leftovers, got it." Edgar, the cook, snapped, slapping Sahida's hand away from taking a bite.
"Ow..." Sahida whimpered as she walked out with the tray.
"You know, she's going to complain to one of the men that ordered it..." I said, lifting the tray over my shoulder.
"As she always does. And they'll give her a piece, as they always do. God, these men don't even get anything out of it." Edgar murmured, rubbing his grayish-white full beard. He scoffed and turned back into his kitchen to work on creating another order.
Taking a deep breath, I pushed through the door smiling.
"(Y/n)!!!! We were wondering where our food went!!" Boros called from his corner.
"Oh shut it! I'm getting there!" I giggled, rolling my eyes and wanting my shift to be over.
"Hehe, come on (N/n)!!! I'm getting hungry!" Ivan, an old regular called out from his usual spot near the entrance.
"You guys have no patience!" I huffed, keeping my smile as I rushed over to Ivan's table to hand him his food.
"Here you go, Ivan. Be more patient, it might do you some good."
Ivan laughed and snagged his hand around my waist.
"Ivan can-" I whispered as I tried to pull away.
"Oh come on, (Y/n). You kept me waiting, shouldn't I get to feel some of that ass?" Ivan roared, laughing as I tried to slip out of his grasp without spilling any of the meat pies.
"The kid told you to let go... I don't think they have to repeat themselves, aye?"
Standing at the doorway, a knife in hand, was Kenny Ackerman. A black-rimmed hat perched on his head, barely showing his gray eye. His black trench coat held the same condition, covered in dirt and what I hoped was grease stains.
Ivan gulped and nodded, letting go of me. I immediately ran off to the next tables to hand out the rest of the meat pies.
"Right, sorry Kenny..." Ivan mumbled, turning in his seat to face away from Kenny. Kenny laughed and put his knife away.
"Don't apologize to me, pig."
I turned around quickly to see where he was heading, hoping he didn't stay in my section.
"Hey kid, why don't you pour me a glass of that beer, and we'll call it even," Kenny called out as he went and sat at the bar, in my section.
Sending a soft smile I nodded and set the last pie down at Boros' table.
"(Y/n), if you feel like you're in danger, just tap the table three times... I'll try to help..." Boros whispered, eyeing Kenny.
I nodded smiling, turning around to get the beer for the owner of the Underground. Before I could go, Boros reached out and held my wrist, squeezing it reassuringly. I smiled at him once more, trying to not be mesmerized by his icy blue eyes, and leaving for good.
"Hello Mr. Ackerman, what brand of beer do you want? Brian's Wheat or Apple Orchard?" I asked, grabbing a new cup from the shelf.
"Brian's Wheat, kid. And go ask the cook for something to eat." Kenny smirked, leaning over the counter slightly more. Eyeing the man, I poured the beer and handed it to him.
"I'll see what he can whip up, Mr. Ackerman."
Passing the beer to him, I walked into the kitchen, finally letting go of the breath I was holding. Leaning on the table while breathing heavily, I closed my eyes.
Kenny Ackerman, a monster hiding within a trench coat. He ran the Underground, at least the northern tip of it. Known for his gruesome attacks and charismatic smile, he sent shivers down my spine.
"(Y/n), what's wrong? Why did it get so quiet out there?" Edgar asked, offering a glass of water. Sending a soft smile, I shake my head.
"It's... Kenny Ackerman is in the bar, and he wants something to eat... can you do something about that?" I inquired, standing back up and setting the creases in my clothes.
"Ya, ya I can do something, but he'll have to wait. These old hands can't work as fast as they used to." Edgar nodded, walking further into his kitchen and beginning to cook.
Taking a deep breath, I smiled and left the kitchen.
"Mr. Ackerman, if you're willing to wait, the cook can whip a meal up," I said, standing in front of him. He sent his signature smirk and tilted his head to the side.
"Alright kid, I'll wait...."

The Sun & The Moon(Don't Forget The Stars) Kenny Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now