Chapter 10

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Redamancy- the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full

"We can stare at the clouds for as long as you'd like, kid."

The street was filled with people, but not enough to suffocate you. Haggalers and Barganers were running around the market trying to win over deals.
A ghost of a smile rested on my face as I wandered to different butchers and vegetable stalls looking for the best price. My wood splint basket had a small napkin blanket covering the top in an attempt to keep pick-pocketers from trying anything.
"How much for the apples?" I asked the vendor.
The man looked me up and down, sending a sly smile. His missing teeth showing.
"For a little dance, I'll give it to you for three copper coins."
Holding my scoff, I smiled and walked away.
Guess I won't have any apple pie for Levi and Kenny.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" A voice called out from behind me.
"Levi?" Turning around, I saw the little boy running straight at me.
His black hair falling on his much more full face. He had grown slightly from the first time I saw him. Before standing up to my knees, now up to my mid thigh... Still small but getting there.
Levi slowed down once he got to me, breathing heavily from running so much.
"Levi? What are you doing here? Are you okay?" I ask, crouching down to the little boys level.
"I'm fine, I promise. But I need to take you with me to my house..." Levi mumbled, looking at his feet.
"Why? Is something wrong?"
"No, it's just that Kenny needs you..."
Is he okay? Did something happen? Is Levi just trying to get me and Kenny alone again?
"Alright, can you take me to your house?" I ask, standing up and ruffling Levi's hair.
Levi nodded, grabbing my hand and dragging me off to walls' know where.
"Oh, and Levi, why are you breathing so heavily? Where did you run off to?"
Levi looked at me before looking on the ground.
"I thought you lived at the bar... so I checked there..."
You... you think I live there?..." I said, trying to hold in a laugh.
"I've never seen where you lived, and whenever I came to visit the bar, you were there!" Levi responded defensively.
Letting out a light chuckle, I shake my head.
"I'll take you to my house one day, I promise. But I don't live at the bar."

Levi and Kenny lived above an abandoned store that was now infested with thug looking men. They obviously worked for Kenny, but that didn't mean I wanted Levi or me to be around them.
"We live right up here," Levi mumbled, taking me to the stairs.
"Alright, let's hurry up?" I said, going up a little bit faster.
A small hallway was at the top with four doors, each most likely leading to a separate apartment.
Levi led me to the furthest door on the right before opening the door. The little boy looked at me before gently shoving me in.
"Close the door behind you..." Levi whispered before turning around and running away.
He just wanted me and Kenny to have alone time... He really wants us to be together doesn't he...
Rolling my eyes, I closed the door and looked around the small room. Straight ahead from the door was a window with a large bed underneath it. A bedside table next to it with stacks of books that neither of the boys probably ever read.
On the opposite end a small table pushed up to the wall with two chairs. A bowl filled with three apples rested on the table, along with a few pieces of paper and pen, scattered across the table.
A few small cabinets with a sink were pushed up against the wall. And a bewildered Kenny Ackerman stood, leaning against the sink, with a cup of water in his hands.
He wore his normal clothing, but they were untucked, and Messed around with. His hat was set on one of the cabinets along with his guns.
"I have a few things... I can make dinner for us... and Levi if he decides to come back..." I offer, showing Kenny my basket.
Kenny sighed before letting out a soft chuckle and running a hand through his hair.
"Sure, kid. I'll try to help, but I'm not much of a cook."
Laughing, I nodded, walking towards the kitchen with Kenny Ackerman by my side.
"Alright, get a bowl and fill it with water, we have to wash the veggies before we cut them." I explained, unpacking my basket.
Kenny nodded, pursing his lips.
"I, uh... we only have four bowls... two of them are soup bowls..."
Pausing, I looked at Kenny.
"Okay, give me one of the not soup bowls... and we can use the other one to make salad..." I said slowly.
Kenny nodded, pulling out a small mixing bowl.
"That's the biggest one we have."
"Oh my walls. Okay, we can work with it. Use the other one to wash the veggies, this can be the salad bowl. Please tell me you have a cutting board, and knives," I sigh, rubbing my temples.
"We have knives, but no cutting board..." Kenny said, nodding and pursing his lips again.
"Oh Kenny...You're going to have to learn a lot if we are going to be together..." I mumble, snatching the other bowl from the cabinet and filling it with water.
Kenny froze, staring at me. His eyes widened, with a ghost of a smile forming.
Looking back at him while washing the vegetables, I raised an eyebrow.
"What is it this time, Mr. Ackerman?"
Kenny smiled widely at me, unfreezing.
"Well there's one thing you should know about being with me, I'll give you everything in the world."
Kenny leaned closer to me, almost nose length away, with his sly smile.
"Everything you say?" I teased.
"Of course, Kid. I'll even get you the sun and the moon." Kenny whispered, leaning closer so that our noses touched.
"Don't forget the stars, Mr. Ackerman," I whispered back, not having the courage to close the gap.
"Anything for you, kid..." Kenny whispered, closing the long awaited gap between us.

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