Chapter 7

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Philophobia- Fear Of Being In Or Falling In Love

"Uncle Benji..."
A hot sweat dripped down my neck as I entered the kitchen.
A squeezing sensation began to swell up in my chest.
My legs buckled under me, and I fell on the ground.
It's I didn't make a sound. I can never make a sound.
A blur took my vision as tears streamed down my eyes.
The tight grip squeezed harder around me, not hesitating.
A hand wrapped itself around my neck.
A hot breath against my ear.
A rasp chuckle.
Sahida whispered as she held me in her arms. Rocking me back and forth she kept me safe.
I was safe.
"I-I'm so-sorry-" I began to stutter.
"No, don't you dare. Save your breath for whoever it was out there. Save your apologies for another day," Sahida hissed.
"(Y/n)... are you okay?" Edgar asked, crouching down to the two of us.
My chest squeezed horribly, I still wanted to let it out, to let whatever was built up out. But I couldn't let it go.
"(Y/n)?..." A soft voice called from the door.
Levi stood, cradling his own arms. He seemed scared, angry at something. I smiled at the little boy while nodding.
"Y-ya, Levi. I'm okay. Are you hurt? Is something wrong?"
Levi's eyes widened. He walked up to me and grabbed my face.
"I'm okay, but you're not. Kenny does this all the time, placing me before him. My mom did that, and she's gone now. Look after yourself and then me, please."
I smiled and pulled Levi into a hug. The squeezing in my chest lessened, but kept gently clawing at me.
"Okay, Levi. I'll try my best. But no promises," I whisper into the boys ear, running my fingers through his hair
"Come on, let's go back."
"But what about that man?" Levi asked as I stood up wiping my tears away.
"I can't do anything... so I'll hold myself up until the end." I whisper.
Taking Levi's hand, I walk out, forcing a calm smile on my face. He's not a part of my life anymore. I don't have to be scared anymore... I don't have to be... I don't...
"Wench! I've been calling for a refill!" Benji called out as I reentered the bar.
My breathing seized up as I looked at him from the corner of my eye. Now that he has removed his hat, I could clearly see him. The same crooked smile, the same sunken dul (e/c). The same horrid stench of hatred reeked from him as he leaned forward in his seat, taunting me.
Shaking my head and ruffling Levi's hair I set a gentle smile.
"Yes sir, I'm so sorry."
Levi looked at Benji and then at me. He didn't want me to go, his grip around my arm tightened as I walked towards Benji. But I force his grip loose and walk away.
Cold sweat. An itching sensation and turning in my stomach. I need to be... The floor... I need...
"Here you go sir, I'm so sorry for the wait," I whisper. My voice had hitched in my throat. I slipped up in front of him.
His devil smirk spread happily.
"You're still the same snail as always, (N/n). So easy to squish." Benji hissed, leaning closer to my face.
I froze. I'm cold. I can't move. Run. He'll hurt me. He's here. Levi. I'm a roach. Run. Where's Kenny? Don't move. He'll hurt Levi. Run.
"Yes, sir... I'm so sorry..." I whimper, taking a step back.
Turning slowly away from him I walked back to the kitchen. Levi clenching onto my leg.
"(Y/n), maybe you should take the rest of the day off," Edgar whispered as I entered the kitchen.
Leaning against the wall, I look at Levi. My chest began to squeeze and twist. He looked so scared.
Smiling softly at the boy, I crouched in front of him.
"Hey, I'm okay. I promise..."
Levi didn't believe me. He pulled me into a hug. His thin arms were practically strings.
"Kenny will be here soon... He'll protect you..."
He'll protect me?... No... no...
"He left, (N/n), he left... didn't even pay for his drink..." Sahida popped her head through the door. She tried to laugh, but stopped.
"See, you're safe now... he'll be gone for the rest of your life... I promise..." Levi mumbled as he squeezed me tighter.
"Maybe, you should take the rest of the day off. It'll do you good," Edgar hummed.
Looking up at him, I softly smiled.
"I'd like that a lot, but I don't think Kenny would appreciate me disappearing with Levi somewhere."
"He won't mind, as long as I'm with you," Levi protested.
"No, no, no, Kenny might seem like he doesn't care but he does. Now, we're going to be strong, and continue on with our day," I said, ruffling his hair and standing back up.
"I'm calm now, I'm okay, nothing happened," I sighed.
Lifting my head I walked out with Levi, a clawing sensation rippling through my throat.

Switching my apron for my coat, I smiled at Levi. He looked drained from the day we had. Honestly, I did too.
"Come on Levi, we'll see if Kenny is here or not," I said, taking the little boys hands and walking out the bar.
And sure enough, Kenny the Ripper stood there looking up.
"Hello Kenny," I sighed, walking over to him.
Levi let go of my hand and walked over to Kenny, pulling his coat down so that he could whisper something in his ear.
Kenny crouched down, a small smile that quickly disappeared.
"Hey, kid, you wanna tell me what happened today?" Kenny asked, standing up and looking at me.
Levi told him... why am I even surprised...
"Someone from my past came... I felt unsafe but they're gone..."
"What's their name?" Kenny asked, taking a step closer to me.
"Benji (L/n)..." I whisper.
Without a warning, Kenny pulled me into a hug. His arms wrapped around me tightly. I felt safe. The tears I kept in threatened to spill.
"Kid, I'll always keep you safe... No matter what happened, I'm on your side," Kenny whispered.
Levi squeezed himself between the two of us, hugging onto my leg.
A soft laugh left my lips as I nuzzled my head further into Kenny.

(Sorry about the Late Post!! I kinda got caught up in something😅)

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