Chapter 8: Confession

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Jungkook had trouble focusing during practice since Jordan had consumed all his thoughts. Ever since his conversation with Namjoon the day before, the only thing that had been on his mind was how he was going to finally confess his feelings. To say that he was terrified would've been an understatement.

Jordan was going to be coming over later that evening, so he made sure to clean up the place a bit before leaving his apartment early in the morning. He just wanted to go home, shower, and make sure everything was set up for tonight.

The frustration was evident on his face as the music stopped once again, the members glancing over at him in concern as he rested his hands on his bent knees, chest huffing while he tried to force oxygen into his lungs. He'd been messing up quite a bit during practice, and that resulted in having to go through the routines multiple times in order to make sure everything was right for their performance.

"Jungkook-ah, make sure to slow down a bit during that last part, you're going too fast," Hoseok advised, cautiously watching as Jungkook straightened up again, nodding to let him know he understood. The boys agreed to take five minutes, and Jungkook went to grab a bottle of water while Hoseok approached Namjoon.

"Hey, do you know what's going on with him today?" Hoseok asked, standing next to Namjoon as both of them kept a watchful eye on the maknae, who was now sprawled out on the floor, still trying to catch his breath.

"He's just got a lot on his mind," Namjoon replied. Hoseok seemed to accept the answer, nodding before he walked over to Jimin in order to go over the choreography again while Namjoon let out a small sigh, rolling his shoulders in an attempt to ease the tension in his body.

He couldn't stop thinking about his conversation with Jordan yesterday. He texted her earlier to apologize for being so harsh, but had yet to get a response. He still felt like he did the right thing in confronting her about it, but the gnawing feeling he felt in his gut let him know that he probably could've handled the situation better.

Namjoon was pulled out of his thoughts as their choreographer gathered everyone around again, wanting to run through the routine once more. He made sure to push away his thoughts, his focus shifting to his work as he got into his starting position, but not before shooting a quick glance towards Jungkook.

When the music from one of their old songs started playing, everyone started moving in sync, keeping up with each other in order to execute the routine flawlessly. Jungkook felt the pressure as he took the center position, trying to maintain his focus before moving aside, Taehyung now taking the center spot as his voice rang out from the recording. Even though it was a practice session, every member was giving it their all.

Just as it started to build up to the chorus of the song, Jungkook turned the wrong way as it transitioned from Hoseok to Taehyung, causing him to bump into Jimin. Both went tumbling down, wincing from the impact.

Jungkook groaned as he held onto his arm, slowly getting up before glancing over at Jimin, who was also holding onto his side as he tried to sit up. "Sorry Jimin hyung," he uttered out, earning everyone's attention with his formal tone.

Jimin smiled, reassuring the maknae that everything was fine, but Jungkook still felt horrible for not being more observant and present in the moment. He felt like he was constantly messing up, and it was hurting his team. Jimin shuffled over towards him, wrapping his arm around the younger's shoulders while his hand ruffled his hair, trying to cheer him up.

Namjoon watched the interaction intently before he decided to halt rehearsals. He figured they could do one finally run-through of the routine tomorrow morning before the show to make sure their performance ran smoothly without any accidents, but for now, it was best to just call it a day. "I think we could all use the break, we've been at it for hours. We'll do a final run tomorrow," Namjoon suggested, while a few other members nodded in agreement.

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