Chapter 4: Heartbroken

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Jordan sighed as she worked on cleaning up the living room, picking up the crumbs from the chips and the stray popcorn that littered the floor from when Jungkook threw it at her.

She immediately set the empty bowls back on the table when she heard a knock at her door, rushing to open it for her boyfriend.

The smile on her face dropped when she noticed his serious expression. She felt her heart beat just a little faster as her hands slightly shook, feeling nervous about having this conversation.

"Hey," she said, her voice small as she mustered up a smile.

"Hey," he replied, his voice slightly tense as he stared at her, trying to figure out where to even begin.

He followed her into the living room and sat down on the couch, glancing around the room before trying to figure out how to start this conversation. As he sat there, he couldn't help but think about how, not too long ago, there were two other men here, two idols from one of the biggest bands in the world, sitting with her watching Netflix. His insecurities immediately kicked in and he couldn't help but let his thoughts get to him.

She mentioned earlier that Jungkook had been there too, a name he was all too familiar with considering that he was one who always seemed to be texting her along with Namjoon. Sure, there were other names that would pop up on her screen, but those were the two that were always blowing up her phone and he couldn't help but feel slightly uneasy by it.

She could fall for any of them, and he was sure they could easily fall for her... I mean, how could they not? She was a beautiful woman who was smart and caring, many positive attributes that could make any man develop a liking towards her.

As his eyes roamed around the room, they stopped on the painting hanging on her wall, his jaw clenching slightly as he felt irritated knowing that it was a gift from one of the guys.

Jordan noticed his gaze resting on the painting and sighed heavily before sitting next to him on the couch. Her hand lightly brushed against his jaw, pulling his attention back to her as she looked at him sadly, wishing that she knew how to take his insecurities away. No matter how many times they had this conversation and how many times she reassured him that she loved him, he still had his doubts.

"You're upset," she stated, observing the way his eyes avoided hers. He felt ashamed about his behavior and didn't know how to talk to her about it either.

She leaned in, her lips lightly brushing against his as she lifted his head up, a soft kiss placed on his lips. He sighed and tightly shut his eyes, reaching out for her hips as he held onto her tightly, trying to hold onto this moment for just a little bit longer.

She smiled into the kiss as she felt his touch, bringing about a sense of comfort and security since that's the effect that he had on her. With him, she felt safe and loved, she just wished that she had that same effect on him.

It wasn't easy for him to pull away, but he had to. The internal struggle and the pain he was feeling was clearly written on his expression, his eyes staring deeply into hers.

"You've been spending a lot of time with the guys lately and I don't feel comfortable with that," he mumbled, trying to figure out how to express his concerns without sounding like a complete ass right now.

"I wouldn't say it's a lot," she replied, her voice inaudible as she spoke. "It's only once a week for game night, what's wrong with that?" she asked, feeling this gnawing feeling of guilt in her stomach, but she didn't know why. Why should I feel guilty for hanging out with my friends? Why is he making me feel bad about it?

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