Chapter 2: Crushed

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Jungkook felt the perspiration running down his body, his shirt sticking to his torso from his late afternoon workout. He was eager to take a shower, hoping the water would help ease some of the tension in his muscles as he pulled his shirt off on his way to his room to get a fresh pair of clothes.

When the doorbell rang, he paused in the hallway, quickly walking back to the entrance and glancing around the room before he realized that he was probably the closest one to the front door.

"I've got it!" he called out, and without hesitation, walked towards the door to open it only to feel his heart drop when he saw her standing there. Shit.

"Hey," Jordan chirped, greeting him as her eyes momentarily glanced at his lack of attire, immediately drawn to the ink swirling on his arm as she admired the artwork that wasn't present two months ago when she was introduced to the boys. Her eyes met his again, offering him a small smile. "Namjoon invited me to hang out with you guys today, I hope that's okay," she added, noticing how nervous he looked as he nodded his head but remained in the doorway, blocking her way in.

She cleared her throat, gesturing towards the inside of the dorm. "So can I come in or are we just going to stand here all day?" she teased, causing his face to flush as he quickly stepped aside, gesturing for her to come in.

"I uhhh, I've got to go shower, but I'll let Namjoon hyung know you're here," he rushed out, swiftly walking past her as he felt mortified about the whole ordeal. He didn't feel self-conscious about her seeing him shirtless since he's used to walking around half dressed around the staff, but for the past few months he had developed a small crush on Jordan and didn't know how to deal with it. He hoped that it would go away soon, especially considering the fact that she already had a boyfriend that she was happy with. He didn't stand a chance, yet he couldn't help but wish that maybe some day the situation would change.

Jordan came over more often now that she was familiar with everyone, and would hang out with the other members even if Namjoon happened to be out for the day. Jungkook enjoyed their time together the most since he'd been showing her a lot of his artwork, and even offered her one of the pieces as a gift after she told him it was her favorite.

He really liked how playful and competitive Jordan could be, but he also admired her softer side, the one that would listen to him vent when he was having a bad day or offer words of advice when he was feeling self-conscious about something. She always seemed to be there for him when he needed it, which made it harder to keep his distance and get rid of this stupid crush he had.

Jungkook bumped into Jimin in the hall, not even looking back at his hyung before apologizing, continuing to speed-walk to his room in order to get some clothes and take a shower, hoping to clear his mind after that awkward moment with Jordan downstairs.

Jimin's eyes widened when he saw Jordan sitting on the couch, a huge grin spreading on his lips as he called out her name. She was quick to stand up as he pulled her into a hug, slightly lifting her off the floor and twirling her while they both giggled.

"Guys! Jordan's here!" Jimin shouted, alerting the rest of the house of their guest before setting her down.

"By the way, happy belated birthday! Sorry I missed it," she said while Jimin smiled, thanking her for the birthday wishes before he began teasing her for missing out on the fun celebration. 

Namjoon was the first in the room, interrupting their playful banter as a dimpled smile appeared on his face while he walked towards her. "Did you just get here?" he asked while she nodded, pulling him into a quick hug before settling down into her seat on the couch.

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