Chapter 3: Chocolate

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Jordan was running around her small apartment, trying to clean up some of the clutter in her living room so it looked presentable for her movie night with Namjoon. She quickly stacked all her textbooks in a pile and put them off to the side before throwing her notebooks in her backpack, tossing it off to the side as she quickly glanced around the room, satisfied with the way it looked.

When the doorbell rang, she huffed, rushing towards the door to open it only to stub her toe on the couch, cursing as she limped to the door. Breathing heavily, she eagerly pulled the door open, offering Namjoon a bright smile as he chuckled at her disheveled appearance.

"Oh shut up," she grumbled, ignoring his smug look before pulling him in for a quick hug. Her eyes widened when she noticed that Namjoon didn't come alone. Standing there in the dimly lit hallway was the maknae.

Namjoon noticed the initial shock on his friend's face and scolded himself for not texting her earlier. He should've given her a heads-up before agreeing to let Jungkook join him for movie night at her place. "Oh, I hope you don't mind Kook joining us tonight," he said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "He was bored at home and asked if he could come along," he added.

"That's fine Joon, I don't mind. The more the merrier, right?" she reasoned, offering him a grin in order to reassure him that she was more than happy to have Jungkook join them, even if it did throw her off at first.

Jungkook's focus remained solely on the young woman as she spoke to his hyung, his eyes momentarily scanning her outfit as he gulped nervously. He couldn't help but linger his gaze on her exposed skin since she was wearing an oversized black t-shirt that had a wide neckline, her shoulder on display, while a pair of purple shorts with blue hearts were peeking underneath the material.

He snapped his head back up when he heard her calling his name, forcing a smile onto his lips as she walked over towards him and pulled him into a hug. His palms were sweaty as he nervously wrapped his arms around her, hoping she couldn't feel or hear the loud pounding of his heart before she quickly pulled away.

"Let me just get the popcorn and snacks ready, the two of you can go ahead and make yourselves comfortable!" she chirped before briskly walking to the kitchen, taking out a couple bowls in order to provide some snacks for them to munch on for their movie marathon.

Namjoon immediately headed towards the living room, plopping onto the couch before reaching for the remote, immediately pulling up Netflix. "So what are you in the mood for watching tonight?" he called, turning his head slightly towards the kitchen as Jordan was opening up some of the cabinets, looking for the bag of chips that she bought yesterday for this specific occasion.

"Uhh, it doesn't really matter much to me, you guys pick," she replied, letting out a small shout in victory as she finally found the family-sized bag of chips, pouring out the content before working on getting the popcorn ready.

"What do you want to watch Kook?" Namjoon asked, glancing over his shoulder to see that his band mate still had yet to sit down. He was slowly walking around the living room, doe eyes curiously roaming around the interior as he observed the small trinkets and pictures she had on various shelves. When they settled on a familiar painting that was hanging above a small bookshelf, he couldn't help but smile softly, feeling proud a bit of himself. She actually put it up.

Namjoon called his name again, finally gaining his attention as Jungkook turned around to look at his hyung. "Huh?" Jungkook asked, causing Namjoon to roll his eyes before patting the space next to him.

"What do you want to watch?" he asked again.

As Jungkook opened his mouth to speak, Jordan came into the room, managing to balance three bowls of snacks and a bottle of chocolate syrup in her arms.

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