Epilogue: Serendipity

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Jordan's eyes fluttered open, her vision trying to adjust to the morning sunlight. She could feel soft kisses trailing up her bare spine, the sensation being the sole reason behind her slumber being disturbed. She hummed in content as she felt Jungkook's lips on her right shoulder, biting back a smile before she turned around to face him.

"Good morning," she mumbled, pulling him in for a soft kiss while a small grin tugged at the corner of his lips. He shifted slightly, pinning her gently on the bed while his lips remained connected to hers. He pulled away for just a few seconds to utter out a quick "good morning" before pressing his lips to her again.

Jungkook loved this. He enjoyed waking up next to her every morning and peppering kisses all over her soft skin. He loved the way she smiled at him, and how her captivating eyes always seemed to light up and stare at him in adoration.

His lips detached from hers, now gently nipping at her jaw while she combed through his fluffy locks. He had been growing his hair out for the past year, and she loved the way his new style really suited him, especially with that lethal undercut hidden beneath it.

He pulled away from her skin and placed a final peck on her lips before his chin rested on her chest. His skin now touched hers as his weight gently pressed against her body, but his arms firmly rested beside her, making sure not to crush her as he continued to marvel at her.

Her hair was in a beautiful and messy disarray, a result of his hands constantly running through her tresses the night before. Her face was stripped of any make-up, her natural beauty creating a radiant glow about her.

She continued to stare into his doe eyes, entranced by the man who had captivated her heart as she got lost in those beautiful brown irises that glimmered as if they contained the entire galaxy within them. Her fingers gently reached out for his hair again, gently brushing away the stray strands that kept falling in his face.

Jordan couldn't believe it had already been a year since she had confessed her feelings to him. It took her a while to learn to open up to him, but he was patient with her as he slowly took down her walls piece by piece. Even though she felt vulnerable letting her guard down, she knew that she could trust him to keep her safe, just like he knew that he could trust her with his heart.

Of course, it took time for Jungkook to feel safe too. Even after she had confessed her feelings, he couldn't help the small fear that lingered at the thought of her running away, but that slowly diminished over time as they both grew comfortable with each other.

He also knew that every moment was precious and limited, so whenever there was an opening in his schedule, he made sure to spend it with her. The first month they were together, they stayed in for dinner dates and movie nights, a safety precaution since neither wanted to risk getting spotted out in public.

Their dates would usually end with the both of them falling asleep on the couch, curled up against each other while the movie they picked for the evening would still be playing in the background.

Shortly after came the preparation for promoting BTS's new album, which brought about a new set of challenges as Jungkook had to prepare for interviews, television appearances, and a lot of traveling. The group had been invited to attend the 62nd Annual Grammy Awards for a special performance with Lil Nas X and had a few appearances scheduled on various American talk shows to promote Map of the Soul: 7. Even though they were only going to be away for a few weeks, his heart still ached at the thought of leaving home.  

The night before he had to leave, Jordan stayed over his place, curled up in his arms under the warmth of his comforter. Neither of them could sleep, filling the silence in the room with a serious conversation about what this meant for their relationship. She shared her insecurities and concerns while Jungkook tried to reassure her that they would figure out how to work through it together.

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