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I won't be in this tight situation if it wasn't because the chairman showed up this morning at the mansion's Training Grounds.

Kensuke: "Lowell? can you please pay a visit to Young Silvergale's apartment today???"

Panting, his hands on his knees while standing, it seems that the chairman had rushed himself  to where I am. This must be really urgent.

Kensuke: "It's my beloved daughter! she's--- she's.."

My brow furrowed upon hearing 'my beloved daughter' something bad might have happened to Milady.

"Calm down, Mr. Chairman. I will head immediately to Mr. Ai's apartment as soon as possible."

Kensuke: "Please. I beg of you, saved my Sakura!"

And as soon as I got there, Mr. Ai opened the door for me and told what had happened.

This what the Chairman describes of saving her?

The young master guide me inside the room and saw Milady breathing heavily with a towel on her forehead.

She's down with Flu.. Fever..

"I apologize for calling Mr. Shinonome at this very hour. Somehow he needs to know what had happened to Sakura.."

Looking at Milady, she's really ill and weak. I held her hand tightly, I can't entrust her to this-- midget! I didn't even agreed on this kind of family-negotiation of having both of them married. Well, they're not even married yet but SOON!

"I'm sorry but I have to go. Can you please look after for Sakura while I'm gone to school?"


"I need to attend my classes and I can't skip this last day of the week. Exams are almost drawing near. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Mr. Ai grab his bag from the low table. His fiancée is sick and yet he's more concerned about his schooling. It's Friday for pete's sake!

Nodding as a silent response, he went off just like that.

I can't believe he had this guts of leaving her in times like this. Carefully, I took the towel from her forehead and soak it at the nearby basin.


I heard her uttered his name as she weakly opened her eyes.

"Milady, I---"

"A-Ai.. I-I'm sorry, for b-being a b-burden to you o-once more..."

She must have mistaken me for the Young Master. 

"Mila-- I mean, Sakura. You should rest first. We could talk later once you feel better. Do you want something to eat? I'll make you one."

She shook her head and close her eyes once more, breathing heavily. This is not good... Placing my hand on her forehead, she's still hot. I took note of her temperature, It's 38C. I wonder if Milady took her medication.

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