Chapter 9- Girlfriend

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Super Ultra Mega timeskip by Jirian Sakalam na Sabog

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, several months later, you became closer and closer to Shirabu and his teammates.

You were completely attached to them, just like your brother's teammates.

You were on your way to the gym, where Shirabu and the others were playing.

"Semi-senpaiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!" you shouted from a distance while running to him.

"L/n-chan, what's up?" he said as he giggled and patted your head.

"oh? Look who's here, Shirabu-sann, your girlfriend is here" Tendou teased as Shirabu glared at him, leaving you a blushing mess.

"They're dating?" Ushijima said.

"H-huh?!" you stuttered as Shirabu denied it, since you're not really dating in the very first place.

"that's sad..." Goshiki said while Kawanishi was just drinking his water,the rest of their teammates were practicing.

"Washijo-sensei's not here?" you asked as they shook their head.

"Maybe we should clean now, that's enough practice for today..." Ushijima said.

They all nodded and started to pack their things.

"Uhm... I'll clean the gym... I'm sure y'all are tired from practice..." you volunteered.

"Alright, thank you L/n-san, we'll just take a shower for you to clean the gym" Ushijima said as the others smiled at you.

You started picking up the balls they used and removed the net, then you put them in the storage room.

Meanwhile, inside the shower room, everyone was still busy packing their things, Semi asked Shirabu out of the blue.

"How long will you keep your secret, Shirabu?" Semi whispered.

"Senpai, why do I have to tell them? Especially her? What's so special about it?"

"She likes you" Semi sighed as Shirabu's eyes widened.

You were mopping the floor when you heard footsteps approaching you.

You looked up, you saw a girl.

"uhm, excuse me, miss..." she said.

Your jaw dropped when you saw her, she's beautiful.

"u-uhm... Are you looking for someone?" you asked.

"Oh... YES! I am looking for someone, do you know Kenjiro? Shirabu Kenjiro?"

'She's looking for Shirabu-san...'

The door from the locker room opened, Shirabu and the others went out.

While Semi, he looked at you as he also saw the girl beside you, his eyes were not playing with him, what he saw was true, 'Tell me this is just a dream.' he thought, Semi turned around to cover Shirabu, before the girl's eyes and his meet.

The girl's eyes were like a dart, her eyes met Semi's back.

"OH? SEMI SENPAI!" the girl shouted that directly entered Shirabu's ear, he was about to take a look to confirm the owner of the voice, but Semi pushed him back to the Locker room.

The others didn't have any idea on what's going on, especially you.

The girl got curious and was about to follow Semi, but Semi said he was going to change his clothes.

Semi didn't know what to do, he was concerned about you, your feelings for Shirabu, yourself.

"Semi-senpai what's going on?" Shirabu asked.

"I told you! You should've told them sooner! Now it's too late, she's here for you!" Semi panicked.

"Semi-senpai, didn't I tell you that there's no reason for me to tell them, besides, isn't being in a relationship forbidden in our team?

"I just hope that you never told me about your secret..."

"Senpai, tell me, was that Akahana?"

"yes, your girlfriend"

Hirai Akahana is Shirabu's original dormmate, from first-year, they became best friends and secretly dated, they only told Semi about their secret, they're still dating, though they lack communication ever since Hirai temporarily left the dorm, leaving Shirabu alone, they barely talk, Hirai was sick, she was in Australia, she was there for half a year, then she returned.

'I am really speechless right now... And I am worried about you, L/n Y/n' Semi thought.

back outside, Tendou and the others were dumbfounded, then Tendou got the feeling he wasn't expecting.

"is she okay with you?" Semi's words back then filled Tendou's mind.

then an idea popped out of Tendou's mind, he was already aware of what was happening, he already knew what to do at that rate.

"L/n-chan, let's go to the cafeteria, we'll buy snacks for the team" Tendou said as he held your hand.

Kawanishi also felt Tendou's feelings, though he was hesitating to tell Goshiki.

"I think y'all should go with me" Tendou said as they followed.

Hirai was alone in the gym, she was waiting for Semi.

'so Jiro's still in the shower...damn he's taking too long, I miss him so much, should I go in?' Hirai thought.

Inside the locker room...

"Akahana..." Shirabu mumbled.

"You almost forgot about her because of L/n-san, am I right?" Semi asked as Shirabu slightly nodded and frowned.

"You can't just break up with Hirai, you'll hurt her, didn't she promise you that she'll comeback?"

"She did promise..."

"Now tell me, what do you feel about L/n? Be honest"


"I don't know..."

"Think about it Shirabu, before it's too late"

"Do you love Hirai?" Semi asked again the Shirabu nodded.

The door slightly opened...

"J-Jiro..." The girl's eyes widened, Semi, Shirabu and Hirai's eyes met.

"Welcome back Hirai, I'm gonna go out for a bit... See you" Semi said as he went outside.


Shirabu sighed and smiled at Hirai.


"Jiro I'm back, as promised" she smiled then they hugged each other.

"It's been a while..." Shirabu said.

"I'm home" she said as Shirabu replied a "You're home"

To be continued...

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