Shopping- Kun x Ten

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"Alice, 10 years old, likes minecraft, barbies, and cats" Kun read out the tag to Ten. Ten smiled and went back to looking at his phone. Kun sighed and set an alarm for tomorrow so he could get this little girl a present.

The next day Kun woke up around 8am and headed to the store at 8:45. Ten stayed behind because his work started at 9:30.

Kun walked around the aisles thinking of a good gift idea for Alice. He walked down to the toy aisle and saw a few stuffed animals, and one caught his attention. It was a giant baby blue cat plush with a heart on it's forehead. Kun attempted to reach the high shelf but failed miserably. Then he had an idea, was it stupid? Yes. Would he probably fall and bust his head open? Yes. But was it worth seeing a happy smile on Alice's face? Also yes.

Without second thought, Kun began to climb the shelf, not realizing how slippery his hands were. Kun was about to grab the cat plush but his palms were too sweaty to keep hold of the shelf. His hand slipped from the shelf and sent him falling down.

Kun closed his eyes, waiting for his head to hit the cold tiles, but instead his body fell onto a squishy warmth. Kun, who still had his eyes squeezed shut, turned his head confusedly. He opened his eyes to find the most godamn handsome guy he'd ever seen.

"Uh be careful" the guy said and he pulled Kun up to his feet. Kun felt his face heat up in embarrassment as he stood up. "Ah yes thank you for saving me" Kun said while looking at the ground. The guy chuckled "no problem, is this what you were reaching for?" He said and took the cat plush from the shelf. "Oh y-yes, thank you" Kun said as the guy offered it to him.

Kun took the plushie and was about to walk away when a hand stopped him. "Wait, what's your name cutie?" The guy asked. Kun turned around blushing madly. "K-kun" the guy chuckled "Pretty name for a pretty boy. I'm Xiaojun" He replied "oKaY cOoL byE" Kun said as he rushed to the self checkout.

Kun soon left the grocery store and went back home. It was 11am so Ten should've gone to work by now, but his car was still in the driveway. Suspicious. Kun walked into the house and headed towards their bedroom, but soon heard some..noises. The door was locked so Kun knocked on it.

"Babe? You okay in there?" Kun asked. Shuffling was heard before Ten replied "Y-yeah I'm okay" "Are you sure? I heard some noises and you were supposed to be at work two hours ago" "I just took a sick day, don't worry" "if you were sick why didn't you tell me?" Kun asked. Ten came to the door and unlocked it, peeking his head out he said "I didn't wanna bother you since I know how much you enjoy these holiday giving thingies" Kun smiled "No you should've told me, I could've gotten you some medicine while I was there." Kun said as he stepped into the room. There were a few things out of place.



"What's this?" Kun said as he pulled a shoe that obviously wasn't his or Ten's
"O-oh that..hehe its friend's. Yes my friend's. She stayed over for a bit while we went on vacation remember? She must've left it here" Ten laughed nervously. Kun narrowed his eyes at Ten before continuing to check out the room.

After finding nothing else out of the ordinary, Kun went ahead to the bathroom, he had been holding it in since he almost died at the grocery store. when he went into the bathroom and did his buisness, he noticed there was a lot of toilet paper on the ground. Weird. He opened the trashcan to throw the toilet paper away but was met with used condoms. Three to be exact.

Kun walked back out into the bedroom to find Ten almost out of the door. "Stop." Ten halted. "Why are there condoms in the trash?" "I uhhhhh...I thought about you too much" "Mhmm ok sure" Kun said and went to look under the bed for the wrapping paper.

However he was met with not only the wrapping paper, but also a pair of eyes, and legs, and arms. a whole human female. Kun looked at her frightened face. Then it clicked. "CHITTAPHON GET YOUR ASS IN HERE"

"U-Uhm yes babe?" Ten asked whilst avoiding eye contact. "Don't Babe me. Who the fuck is she?" "My F-" "Don't you dare say she's a friend. If she was a friend why the hell is she naked under our bed?!" Kun screamed, trying not to let his tears fall, but failing. "I-im sorry its just-" "Just what?! Was my ass not good enough for you so you had to go and find some slut on the street?!" Kun yelled at Ten, his voice getting scratchy.

"Y'know what? Fuck you, I can't believe I fell for the stupid trick you use on everybody "oH I LovE yOu soO muCh" Bullshit! I'm leaving. Don't talk to me. EVER." Kun screamed the last part whilst he began packing his things.

Ten watched as the girl rushed out of the room with her clothes and Kun followed shortly.

Kun walked to his best friends house, which also happened to be his neighbor. Kun knocked on the door. The door soon swung open and Kun collapsed into Hendery's arms. "I heard it all babe, you were too good for him." Hendery said as he dragged Kun to the living room. "I know" Kun sniffled. "But it still hurts like shit" Hendery sighed. "Y'know what can distract you?" Kun hummed in curiosity. "Delivering the present to the little girl you told me about yesterday." Hendery nudged Kun's arm. "I guess"

So the pair headed to the place where they give the gifts or something.

"Do you see her?" Kun asked. "Hmm no not yet" Hendery replied. Kun then spotted a short girl among the crowd that matched the description on the card. Kun gasped "THERE" He said and dragged Hendery across to Alice.

"Hi, Alice right?" Kun said after he caught his breath. The little girl nodded. Kun smiled and handed her the gift. The girl said a lot of thank you's and I mean A LOT. "Go ahead, open it" Kun insisted. The girl took her time to unwrap the present.

As soon as she layed eyes on the baby blue cat she squealed. She took it out of the box and squeezed it to death.
Then who Kun assumed was her father approached them. "Oh my jesus, Alice I looked for you everywhere" the guy said. "I'm sorry for any trouble she caused you-" the man continued but stopped when he saw Kun. "It's you!" They simultaneously said.

"I'm confused here" hendery said.
"Oh right, this is Xiaojun, I met him at the grocery store when he save my head from exploding. Xiaojun this is Hendery, my best friend." Hendery nodded and went off to play with Alice.

"So uhm, you wanna go get a coffee or something?" Kun asked while fidgeting with his hands. "I'd have to bring Alice with me" Xiaojun said. "Just let Hendery take care of her, it's not like he'd let her die" Kun replied. Xiaojun shrugged an 'okay' and stood up, offering his hand to Kun. Kun hesitantly took it while trying to hide the blush on his face.

Hender and Alice stopped playing for a bit and watched the two walk to the coffee shop. "I ship it" Alice said. "Oop- girl same" Hendery replied and high fived Alice.


ahah I wrote this in like an hour so its probs trash but that's for morning spooky to deal with.

I also have no clue how this giant secret santa thingy works because I literally saw it once on YouTube like two years ago and just remembered it out of the blue.

Anyways happy holidays or just happy day

Oh and heres the completed find the clue

Oh and heres the completed find the clue

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