Fluffers- Mark x Jaemin

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Requested by WarriorPanda2004

Just a note: Myeon has a lisp

"Mama! Myeon keeps takin' Ms. Fluffers" Kimi shouted from the livingroom, making Jaemin stop painting and discipline his son.

"Myeon, give Kimi her plushie"

"No! Thee wanna be with me"

"Myeon." Jaemin gave him a stern look, making him pout and give Kimi her plushie.

Myeon sighed, going back to his lame tractors.

"When is daddy gon' be home?" Kimi asked, setting Ms. Fluffers down on the kitchen counter.

"He should be home by five"

"Ugh, dats too long" Kimi whined, crossing her arms.

"I know you miss him, I do too, but he's the one keeping us alive, even if he's not around often" Jaemin's mood dropped, thinking about his overworking husband.

"Mama, stop bein' sad" Kimi hugged Jaemin's leg, looking up at him.

"Thank you darling" Jaemin kissed her forehead, sending her off to play.

Kimi grabbed Ms. Fluffers and walked into the livingroom, seeing Myeon pushing a tractor across the carpet.

"Hey Yeonnie"


"Whatcha doin?"

"Playin tractorth"

"Can I pway too?"

"Yeah, you can get blue tractor"

"Okie" Kimi started pushing around the blue tractor, accidentally hitting Myeon's red tractor.

"Hey! You put my tractor off da trackth"

"Sowwy, I din't mean to"

"It-" Myeon paused his sentence, hearing a knock on the door.

"Mama! There's someone at da door"

"Go ahead and get it, it's probably your dad" Jaemin called from the kitchen.

"I'll gets it" Kimi waddled over to the door, trying to turn the doorknob but failing because of her sweaty baby hands.

"I got it, mobe ober" Myeon opened the door. He was expecting to see his dad, but was sorely disappointed when he saw an unfamiliar man.


"Hey, little..boy, is your mother home?"

"Yeah, mommy is in da kitchen"

"Okay, can I speak to her please?"


"Mark, I need those papers ASAP"

"I'm Aware Mr. Suh, but I got off work two hours ago and I need to get home to my family"

"Papers first, or else I'll fire you"

Mark sighed, going back to his computer and typing some charts in.

He sent a message to his husband, but was only left on read.

"Great, he's angry" Mark lied his head on the desk, wishing he could go home already.

But, procrastination gets you nowhere, so he quickly typed up the document, not caring if half of it was gibberish.

"Here's the document, I'll be on my way" Mark quickly rushed out of the office, ignoring his boss's angry shouting.

He quickly got into his car, rushing home to where he thought his husband and kids were waiting.

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