Criminal- Mark x Sungchan

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"You ready for this?" Johnny asked, cocking his pistol.

"You always ask that like we haven't done this a hundred times" Mark stated.

Johnny laughed and picked up the empty duffel bag, soon to be filled with riches.

Sliding his face mask on, he went over to Johnny, pecking his cheek and placing the mask over his mouth.

"Let's go" Johnny shut the trunk and grabbed Mark's hand. Mark slightly pulling away from his grip.

Walking into the grocery store, Johnny began shouting orders at the cashiers and customers.

"Get on the ground! If anyone tries anything there will be a bullet in your skull"

"Go get the money" Mark made his way to the cash registers and began raiding them, taking everything, especially the quarters.

A few minutes of ransacking later..

Johnny and Mark ran out of the store, quickly getting back into their car.

"A successful trip hm?" Johnny commented, quickly kissing Mark's lips.

"Is something wrong baby?" Johnny asked, a look of concern plaguing his face. "What do you mean?" "You didn't kiss me back.." Johnny focused his eyes on the road.

"Nothings wrong, stop worrying" Mark waved him off and stared out of the window.


The next week they had the same routine, go out, steal shit, come back and wallow in their wealth.

"Alright, the only one we haven't gotten yet was that 7-11 on the corner of Barnum" Johnny pointed out on the GPS. "Its small so I think I ca-" Johnny was cut off by Mark "I'll handle it, you stay here for once" Mark said, gathering his gear.

Entering the store Mark examined it, no customers were inside.

He quickly rushed over to the cash register, attempting to attack the boy working it, but was cut off by the cashier grabbing his arms, making him drop his knife.

Mark struggled against the surprisingly strong boy, who was pushing his head forward, for what reason? we dont kno-

Sungchan quickly pressed his lips against Mark's. Mark was shocked, but nonetheless melted into Sungchan's soft lips, tiny sparks dancing around his mouth.

Pulling away, Sungchan wasn't sure if it was the adrenaline or something else, but it made his heartrate go faster than he had ever experienced, and he had run marathons before.

Mark stared at the ground, how could he have done this? He cheated on his boyfriend...but was it really cheating if he didn't love him anymore? Mark shook off the thought, looking back up to meet the cashier's eyes, he read his name tag, taking note of his name before rushing out of the store.

Sungchan placed his hand over his heart, feeling the still fast paced beat.
He grabbed his phone quickly to text his best friend.


otter uwu: waht


otter uwu: what is it?


otter uwu: *gAsp* WHO IS IT?

You: I DOn't know...

otter uwu: wtf how do you not know???

You: I never got his name...

otter uwu: long ago was this?

You: like two minutes ago

otter uwu: jesus christ, how-

You: he came in the store trying to attack me but then I kissed him and he kissed me back and then sparks were flying everywhere and then he got flustered and left.

otter uwu: let me get this straight
You're in love with a guy who you JUST MET AND KISSED in the convenience store.

You: that is correct

otter uwu: not even I can help you now-
You might wanna go talk to Taeyong tho, he might know about that guy.

You: why would he???

otter uwu: I just have a hunch

You: sus

otter uwu: ur mums sus

You: no u

Read at 5:23 pm.

Sungchan sighed

"Am I even gonna see him again?"

Oops- still procrastinating hehe

heavily inspired by this random ass tiktok I have on my phone

kay bye

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