Therapy- Johnny x Jaehyun pt.2

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Tw: suggestion of suicide

Jaehyun was sitting on his couch, scrolling through his phone while Chim sat on the floor, chasing a small toy squirrel.

A knock alerted Chim to the door, and he immediately started barking at it.

"Okay I get it, you don't like Jericho the pizza guy" Jaehyun giggled at his pet's behavior, walking over to the door and opening it.

"Hey Jeri, how much do I owe you this time?" Jaehyun brought out his wallet,  looking up when he didn't hear a response.

"Oh, it's you" Jaehyun looked at Johnny with annoyance.

"'s me" Johnny rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"What do you want?"

"I..want you to therapise me again"

"Whatarise you?"

"You made up the word, how do you not remember it?" 


"So will you do it?"

"Sorry, that window closed when you decided to act that way"


"You can come back when you learn to appreciate what I'm doing for you" Jaehyun shut the door in his face.

"Dammit" Johnny knocked his head against the door.

The door opened back up to see an overly excited Jaehyun.

"Jericho! What took you so long- oh it's you again"

Johnny just shook his head, turning around and walking back down the path to the road, almost running into some Japanese dude in a pizzeria uniform.

It took him a few hours to get back home as he had tripped over an empty soda can and scraped his knee.

"John? Honey why are you back so late?" Johnny's mom asked, holding a batter covered spatula.

"I spent a few hours at the arcade"

"Don't spend all your money over there, especially because of that girl"

"I won't" Johnny rushed upstairs, quickly changing to a hoodie and jeans.

"John, dinner's rea- and he's gone" Johnny's mom shook her head as she watched her son run out of the door.

"Probably going on another date" She shook her head disappointedly, glancing over at the clock.

'Hopefully he'll be back soon'


"Ugh, how could you do this to me?!" Johnny threw another punch at the hard bark that enclosed the tree, flaking off whenever he punched it.

Johnny kicked at the tree, letting out pained groans when he kicked the wrong way, shattering his toe bone.

"Hey gramma, what's that guy doin?" A child asked, walking past Johnny who was now banging his head against the tree.

"He's probably regretting his life decisions"

"Can we help him?"

"I don't kn-" The woman sighed, seeing her grandchild's puppy eyes.

"Okay, let's go talk to him" the child smiled happily, dragging her grandmother towards Johnny.

"Hey, are you alright mister?" The little girl tugged on Johnny's hoodie, making him turn and give her a glare.

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