the ridge

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TWO WINDING AND RACING TRAILS SCORE THE SEAMLESS SURFACE OF THE ENDLESS SANDDUNE SEA. Particles of history, golden and minuscule swing into the air in the wake of their speeding paths. The hum and vibration of the speeders giving the journey a soundtrack of white noise that would have been relaxing if they weren't barreling towards an expert assassin hidden in the heatwaves and hills.

Andromeda nestles her face between Mando's shoulder blades as he pushes them onwards, faster and more skilled than Toro's enigmatic ways. Every few minutes the younger man would attempt to draw the bounty hunter into a race, but the silver knight always ignored his taunting and continued at the bracing speed he'd started with.

Her fingers have pulled his worn cape around her the dorsal side of her hands to protect from the stinging slaps of sand sliding against her skin. Andromeda is consumed with the recall of the night by the fire when Fennec attacked first and she struck last, walking away with a broken hand and skin sliced so deep that you could see her muscles contract. She wants to be ready for whatever may come because for her this was not about the bounty, it was about shattering shackles that tied her to everything she wanted to let go of.

Face Fennec, leave this planet, and prove she could be good.

The feeling of the engine purring as the Mandalorian tensed his arms to pull back on the steering in order to slow caused the brunette to peak over his shoulder. Fist clenched, he holds it up and Toro mimics his actions until they reach a steady stop.

"What's going on?" He asked, pulling down the goggles he used to prevent sand from scratching at his eyes.

"Look," Mando points. "Up ahead."

Swiftly, Toro slid off the vehicle and reached into his canvas bag. He pulls out shiny new binocs to get a better look.

"Tuskens," Andromeda utters as she settles back down behind her companion.

HARD FEELINGS! (THE MANDALORIAN) Where stories live. Discover now