the misstep

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                     "SO WE CAN'T TRUST ANY OF THEM?"

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The Mandalorian, the child, and Andromeda sit in the belly of the Razor Crest with bowls of soup in their hands, warm and comforting. The two shortest members of the three-person clan sit with their backs towards Mando, her shoulders outlining his back while the little one scooted close to her hip. Din's shiny helmet rested on the ground beside his knee, meticulously placed to catch glimpses of her interacting sweetly with the child. She poured it a little more soup as he took a long sip from the hollow wooden bowl and he considered her question.

The Mandalorian had received notice of job through the galactic grapevine and it tasted familiar. The call had been from an old acquaintance, named Ran, detailing a job which he needed to be done quickly and effectively. These being two things Mando specialized in was exactly why Ran called on him of all people despite the curt cut off their previous business exchanges. There was a ghostly history built into this job which made him nervous because he wasn't the best at goodbyes and his farewell to this group had been the cruelest of all. The chance of this being an elaborate scheme of vengeance crossed his mind and warned him not to take it especially due to his recent brushes with the law...And the walking bounties he'd taken in. However, he'd been down this road a hundred times and it was always the same. No questions, get in, get out, get paid, and act like it never happened. Guard drawn, he accepted it and woke Andromeda to brief her on their next stop.

"Definitely not," Mando tells her. Minus the modulator layer, Mando sounded much closer with that rich and gruff tone of his. "It's unlikely they would turn us in considering they are all criminals as well, but I don't think our guards should be down."

"You've got a weird taste in friends," Andromeda teases before finishing her soup.

"Not my friends," He corrects. Din leans back slightly to nudge her back before continuing, "We just need to get in and get out without ruffling any feathers. Extra cautious."

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