Chapter 3

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A/N: Can't wait to hear from you guys! I hope you like it.

After a ton of heavy-lifting, (Y/N) made it to her new apartment. Her lease ended with her former room mates, which then triggered an eviction notice to sit outside the door. Upon short notice, she searched for a place to live in, preferably local. This would often eat into her lunch breaks and shifts.

It took a while until she found most apartments near Reseda's infamous strip mall, with Xander and his family's help.

A quiet place, just near the Reseda strip mall, plus a short walk to the convenient store. Perfect. She heard keys jingle just nearby, noticing a familiar face had just arrived home. Miguel.

"Hey! Aren't you that girl from the party?" he asked, slinging his gym bag over his shoulder.

A long pause took place as (Y/N) didn't know what to say. She had introduced her just last night, annoyed that he had already forgotten her name. Only because she didn't like to repeat herself. Her eyebrows furrowed a little as she tilted her head to the side, checking if everything was ok with him, given he quickly forgot about her.

Miguel approached her, leaning against the wall while he watched her unloading the boxes. You'd think he would be the type of person to offer to help.

"So..." he spoke, crossing his arms. "Xander mentioned you stopped doing karate. Why?"

"I don't have to answer that" (Y/N) mumbled.

Miguel helped her lift up a box, about to ask her another question. Without a second thought, (Y/N) snatched the box off of him and headed straight inside.

"Wait!" he exclaimed, changing his tone into an extremely flirtatious one. "You know... If things don't work out between you and Xander--"

"Let me stop you right there" (Y/N) spoke, almost losing her mind, shocked at what she had just heard. "Xander and I are perfect together. We deal with our own problems, like a couple should. And I don't need anyone else getting in the way."

(Y/N) noticed the reason Xander became less popular. She had heard about a viral video that released a while ago, featuring Miguel beating up his bullies. But she also noticed the popularity changed him. Although she barely knew him, she knew he was definitely taking full advantage of his popularity. And she wanted nothing to do with that.

She slammed the door in his face, leaving him dumbfounded. It was rather odd for him to bring Xander up into the conversation but (Y/N) knew the exact reason he had brought him up and ended the discussion then and there.

"Password" a voice on the other end demanded.

"Quick Silver" (Y/N) mumbled, enough for the voice on the other end to hear.

She entered the building, a dojo. It was brand new with a small drinks fridge nearby to keep the fighters hydrated throughout their training. It was important for them to regularly stock up. This coach was the definition of ruthless.

Despite the bandanna and plain black mask she wore over her nose and mouth, it was merely possible that any one could figure out it was her. The biggest give away was a scar on her shoulder which she endured at the time with Xander from sparring.

The environment around (Y/N) was rather quiet tonight. She revealed part of her face, whilst still keeping her eye mask on. She looked around, waiting for a familiar face. Although there was nothing exciting happening she used the time to study the dojo and the people the coach was affiliated with. For some time, (Y/N) had visited this dojo at least a few times a month to discover any fishy business going on. The man behind it all was none other than Terry Silver.

(Y/N) had been on the hunt for Terry since her father was arrested. She had strong grounds to believe he was a person of interest for her. And he most definitely was. Upon each visit, (Y/N) hoped that some day, Terry would reveal himself and eventually suffer the consequences for his actions.

"Rotate your hip and then push. Not the other way round."

One of the fighters at Terry's dojo suggested as he practised the same kicks she had been practising for the past five minutes into her training regime. (Y/N) spent the rest of the night - till her bed time, training and studying the dojo she wanted to investigate as a point of interest.

A/N: Short and boring chapters here and there. I do apologise. Nonetheless, I would love some feedback. As always I hope you like my story and know that I'm open to any suggestions or comments and questions you guys may have. Cheers!

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