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Leading up to her departure, which was a few weeks away, (Y/N) spent as much time as she could with Miguel and Luna to make up for the lost time she'd dedicated towards Kreese in training for the All Valley. 

Although nothing could be done to make up for lost time, Miguel, Luna and (Y/N) pulled through and made it work as best as they could.

Miguel took her on various dates. From the beach to sparring at the dojo and eating street food as well as his cultural food together. Luna and Mitch often joined in for a double date, when they had the time. It was great that he'd get a chance to see (Y/N)'s beautiful face everyday.

Kreese's disappearance remained yet another mystery while Terry spent another part of his life rotting in jail. He'd vowed to eventually find Xander and make him pay - Provided he could get him to retract the restraining order against him.

Meanwhile, Xander spent the next part of his life looking forward to college, making full use of the scholarships he'd been applying for, tirelessly - with a fresh start in life.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"You got everything?" Johnny asked as he shut the trunk.

(Y/N) nodded as she set her bags through the back seat of the car. As Johnny placed himself in the front of the passenger seat, (Y/N) frantically searched for Miguel to come out of his apartment. She peeped at her watch, tapping her foot, continuously.

"Where is he?" she panicked, looking around.

She turned behind where she stood to see Miguel approaching her as quickly as he could. Neither of them said a single word to one another. He quickly snaked his arms around her shoulder, pulling her closer towards him. He proceeded to lock his lips with hers, stroking the back of her head.

"I'm going to miss you. So call me everyday!" he pouted.

(Y/N) nodded as he headed over to open the door for her. She sat inside, reaching out for his hand. 

She was unable to say anything. But he knew exactly how she'd felt. 

As the engine was activated, she felt the car move - eventually picking up it's speed. She waved vigorously to Miguel, who'd returned the gesture, watching her leave for New York City. (Y/N) turned to face the front, precisely where Johnny was sitting.

She sat in silence for the rest of the journey. That is, until her phone screen lit up with a notification.

1 voice message.

She hurriedly unlocked her phone, placing it right next to her ear as the message played.

"Hey, stupid. Forgive me for being cheesy. I miss you already. But I just wanted to tell you... soon as you come back, I'll be here, waiting for you. See you in six months, my love!"

(Y/N) snickered, almost tearfully as Johnny looked back, recognising the voice. He smiled, reassuringly and faced the window, leaving her to her phone.

(Y/N) cleared her throat, sending him a voice message - of the same sort.

"Hey idiot. I think this message is going to make you cringe." she laughed, for just a short moment. "Soon as I come back, you better be at the airport to pick me up. See you in six months."

She closed her phone, leaning against the window with her music playing in the background for the rest of the journey to the airport.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A/N: I wanted to have an epilogue so I could clarify the fate for each character in my story. While there are some things I have clarified in this chapter, I want to leave the rest up to your interpretation and perception. 

And here we are guys! Please do read my note after finishing this chapter. Some important stuff! 

The Final Bet: Playing for keeps (Miguel Diaz x reader)Where stories live. Discover now