Chapter 22

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(Y/N) had finally come face to face with her father. None other than John Kreese. (Y/N)'s father. The man she had been tracking down for four years, non-stop. Upon facing Terry, he paused to make a bet. The final bet. The one where you play for keeps.

"Let me make a bet with you, Terry..." he spoke, breaking the momentary silence.

"Dad what the fuck are you--" (Y/N) interrupted, raising a finger to indicate how futile this was.

Kreese raised a hand, slowly taking it back after he could confirm (Y/N)'s silence.

"You know, Terry, we used to be best buds. You had everything. What could you possibly want from me?" Kreese asked his ex-best friend, with a stern yet curious expression.

Terry's facial expressions dropped, producing a more cold, sinister look with little to express. A sudden wave of darkness hit him as he remembered his past with Kreese.

"Betsy. You had Betsy" he admitted, surrendering. "You're right, I had it all. Money, fame, recognition. But you had her. You had her love..."

"So you've been framing me all these years just because you wanted to prove a point" Kreese confirmed as (Y/N) gasped in shock. "She died in an accident, you moron!"

"I'm aware" he unexpectedly chuckled, going back to his evil but humorous self.

(Y/N) turned to Kreese to verify Terry's words coming out on the spot. She couldn't believe Terry had known all along. Her lip trembled, followed by a pair of eyes that burned with rage. She wasn't sure if she was feeling angry or upset at her father for keeping these secrets. Or him not coming back for her for so long.


A voice echoed in the background as the doors slammed open. A group of familiar faces interrupted the conversation taking place inside. Simultaneously, the four faces looked at one another, puzzled that they all got there at the same time.

Miguel. Johnny. Xander. Luna.

Kreese clenched his jaw, a wave of emotions dominating his mind. He eventually figured Terry had set the entire accident up. They had put him through enough during war, let alone killing the love of his life. And now he was the one being accused.

He turned to Terry first, then Johnny and Miguel, pointing his index finger towards them.

"You three..." he spoke, specifically pointing to each of them. "I'll see you all and your students at the All-Valley. We're going to settle this in a civilised--"

"No you won't Kreese. Because you left your daughter in the dark when she needed you. (Y/N) will be with us" Miguel interjected as Johnny quickly placed a hand on his shoulder.

Kreese chuckled as a smirk developed upon his face.

"You can't trust anyone in this world, sweetheart. Look at this, (Y/N). They'll all turn on you, no matter what you do... He's only saying that to keep us apart." he stated.

(Y/N) glanced at Miguel, foreseeing the hurt and disappointment in his eyes that would show if she took her father's side. She sighed, knowing at the back of her mind that Kreese raised a good point.

"Dad, they were there for me when you weren't" she debated, exchanging glances with Kreese, Miguel and Luna - occasionally Xander.

"They're not family like I am. I'll never leave you in the dark if you mess up." he assured. "Johnny Lawrence over here was the one who kicked me out of Cobra Kai once when I came to look for you."

(Y/N) was in complete disbelief, evidently brain-washed by Kreese's words. After all, this was her father. She sighed, reaching out for her friends and Miguel. He placed a hand on her shoulder as a distraught (Y/N) leaned into his touch.

The Final Bet: Playing for keeps (Miguel Diaz x reader)Where stories live. Discover now