Chapter 5

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(Y/N) had just plopped on the couch to call it a day until she heard a loud knock on the door. She begrudgingly walked over to answer the door.

"Miguel?" she frowned.

She had to admit, his persistence was getting to her. But she found he was curious about her, just as much as she was starting to get curious about him. Clueless on dealing with his persistence, she knew she had many reasons to stay away from Miguel since the day she had moved in. She feared one day all her work would go down the drain if somebody found out what she was up to. She'd hoped to move in, not knowing anybody. However, it's a small world.

"I know we got off on the wrong foot. And I'm sorry about that. Since we are neighbours, can we at least be friends?" he asked, hopeful.

Around his friends, Miguel was a completely different person. But this Miguel seemed far more honest and raw to (Y/N). Less intrusive and more genuine. Still all the more reason not to be his friend.

"We can be acquaintances" (Y/N) partially agreed, in response to his question. "I have a friend and that's Luna"

"You can have more than one frie--" Miguel interjected.

"Don't push it, Miguel" (Y/N) protested, interrupting him.


~Later that night~

The sun was due to set. Perfect timing. With a mask on her face, (Y/N) locked up and headed for the window at the back of her apartment, in hopes of not getting caught. The perfect place for her apartment to be because there were no other windows, besides hers and a tenant living on the top floor. (Y/N) aimed for the gaps in the bricks where she could place her hands and feet to climb upon. Eventually making it to the roof, she practised climbing back down, safe and sound.

This was perfect practise - a shortcut to get to the dojo and find out whatever dirt she could on Silver. She jumped the fences behind her apartment, making it to a corner in the streets of LA where no one was to be found. She jumped one more fence, eventually making it to the dojo. She knocked three times, firmly and patiently.


"Quick Silver" she spoke, in the deepest voice possible.

"Your alias?"

"Call me Sparrow" she answered after a short pause.

(Y/N) was often referred to as Sparrow - an alias she had to think of before joining Terry's dojo. Every fighter was required to have an alias for privacy reasons. In honour of her former pet Sparrow, she now goes by that name. As part of her routine at night, she'd enter the dojo, fight and leave with the money she'd earn from her matches. Other times, she can be caught sticking around to train.

A dojo member passed by, acknowledging her presence. She waved back and approached him, hopefully seeing if she could dish some dirt on Terry. Through small talk, she found out his alias name was Vince. He had jet black hair, slicked back and always rocked up shirtless with a pair of plain black shorts. His frame was slim but not an ounce of fat was to be seen on his body.

"So, who are you fighting tonight?" Vince asked, slipping his gi on and taking a quick sip out of his water bottle.

"Venom" she responded, fixing her mask.

"Aim for his left knee. It's his weakest spot. He had to have surgery for it. No Mercy. Tire him out first. He tends to have trouble keeping up"


After the fight, one would very well guess who won after having followed Vince's helpful advice. (Y/N) collected the envelope handed to her by an associate. When she was lead to another part of the dojo, she crossed an entrance. Curious, she pointed to the door, only to be informed no one was allowed there. Is it possible Terry may have watched the fight in that very room?

(Y/N) was immediately lead to the exit. Rules were rules. Once the fight is over, you leave. Then you only come back to train for the next fight - for the prize money of course. There was no way she could tell anyone how she got the money or managed to afford her own apartment. Even though it wasn't the best looking.

Making her way home, she quietly tip-toed to the door, only to find Miguel with his arms crossed, like he was a parent waiting for their kid to explain themselves.

"HEY! STOP! That's (Y/N)'s apartment!" He yelled, running after her.

"Shit" she gasped, not realising she had her mask and was fully clothed which made her look like a thief.

Miguel ran after her as she attempted to jump a fence right behind the apartments. She climbed up on the balcony of the first level, eventually making it to the stairs inside the apartment. Miguel took the entrance below, rushing up the stairs in order to keep up with her. He was almost out of breath, given he had asthma.

"STOP!" he yelled while still running after her.

(Y/N) looked down, only to follow the voice which was trailing away. She panicked, trying to find him, not knowing what to do. She jumped down to track Miguel's whereabouts. While maintaining composure, she slowly took a step towards the staircase nearest to her.


A grunt out of no where managed to roundhouse kick her off the staircase. She held on to the railings, her eyes begging for help. She looked at Miguel, desperately reaching out for his hand. There was no way she could let him see her. Miguel looked back at her, smirking as he believed he caught the thief sneaking into (Y/N)'s apartment. Was he just going to stand there or actually help her up?...

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