Chapter 10

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A/N: Do send feedback of any kind over. I accept criticism too (provided it's constructive). I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. It's an interesting one.



"Quick Silver"



(Y/N) was once again greeted by the same man who's been guarding the door for the past couple of weeks. She swung by after a while, proving herself to Terry. As she was lured further into the dojo, she gained access to a secret door behind the dojo, generally locked and sealed.

Once she entered, she observed every inch she possibly could. It's entrances, it's exits, it's codes, who's fingerprints were required. Everything. In front of her was a plain black chair which spun in a semi-circle, not yet revealing who was behind it. 

The room had pictures and documents about specific fighters, some pinned on a memo-board next to the desk, some piled and labelled 'Top Secret'. (Y/N) couldn't believe her eyes. She found the blueprints of the entire building concealed under the very last drawer with the file sticking out as it was unable to fit inside.

Disturbed and intrigued, she gasped in shock, completely unaware and caught off guard. After she took a moment to feel her mixed emotions, (Y/N) searched around with her own pair of eyes for clues.

"My name is Sparrow. I am here for Terry Silver. I'm ready to train under his supervision." she introduced, hoping it was Terry swinging on that chair. 

"We finally meet, Sparrow" a voice responded.

(Y/N) expected Terry's voice to be deeper, given he must be in his 60s or 70s - even 80s by now. The voice she heard sounded all too familiar, like the man was in his late teens or early 20s. She cleared her throat, anticipating for this person to introduce himself. The charming, yet intimidating voice sent goosebumps to her arm. It lacked emotion, close enough to be classified a robot. When the chair finally spun her way, the silhouette walked over to her, holding out a hand.

"I'm Xander Stone-Silver. Terry's son." he responded, with a smirk on his face. "Dad's out for an important meeting, but I'm sure we could fit you in soon"

He then winked at her, admiring her composure as Terry was known to intimidate most of the people who joined forces with him. Including his guards and men.

(Y/N) could feel her body tense up, particularly the top half of her back. She didn't move a single muscle. Every second that went by, she could feel herself tensing up over time. Her skin tingled, almost electrocuting her as she gulped. A moment later, she clutched onto her stomach, feeling knots form inside all over the place. Her guts and intestines churned themselves up like soup,  like her entire body was about to eat her inside.


For the following week, (Y/N) hadn't come to school. She'd spent the week alone at home and asked Luna to forge a note for the school's principal. She avoided texting Xander that same week. Not that he seemed to care, claiming he was busy with his "exams".

Miguel was evidently becoming worried about her, offering to pay her a visit sometime after school. Each time he knocked, she wouldn't answer but would somehow catch Luna leaving her place.

Since that night last week, (Y/N) had barely spoken to anyone. She mentioned a few words here and there to Luna, who would also text Xander occasionally on her behalf.

"You know you can't hide here forever" Luna sighed, ripping the blankets off of (Y/N). 

She sat down beside her distressed friend, offering home-made cookies she and her mum made the previous weekend. 

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