Hot And Steamy

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A\N again following on from the previous part thank you nd enjoy

Danielles pov
I walked out of my trailer after Barrett hyped me up for my scene with Stefania. I walked past Stefania trailer and knocked on the door, Stefania popped her head out smiling at me and the butterflies in my stomach went crazy "ah hello bella i just need to change come in quickly its cold outside" she said ushering me in. It wasn't until i got inside that I realised that she was in shorts and a bra. "Don't mind me just have to find my robe for this scene, where's yours bella" she said rummaging around in her wardrobe in her trailer. I just sat there staring at her perfectly toned abs no knowing she was talking and looking at me. "Hello bella" she said waving a hand over my face. I quickly responded lifting my head up "ah sorry what were you saying", "well if you had been listening and not looking at my abs you would of heard me, anyway we should be going not come on" she said laughing. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror i was bright red and i quickly ran after her out of her trailer.

We arrived at set ready to film our scene in our robes "you ready bella... never mind I remember you're always ready" she said winking at me. Again i looked at myself and i was bright red. Tom the director ran over to us, "thank god" i said under my breath, "what was that bella" Stefania questioned "oh nothing just trying to remember a line" that was a complete lie cause i had already memorised my script before.

The next ten minutes was Tom telling us where he wanted us. This was the scene... the make out scene.

"Alright girls lets start okay so, Danielle i want you on top of Stefania with Stefanias legs between yours" Tom directed us. "Ha Danielle your the one on top for a change" Stefania flirted. I tried to ignore how much that made the butterflies crazy. "Alright can we get Danielle you to kiss carinas neck then kiss her on the lips, when we call action then we will make the text noise and you go to check it then Stefania you say your line, we ready okay, And action" i started to kiss her neck then i moved to kiss her lips softly trying to ignore how good it felt, waiting for the text noise to come but it never did. "And cut, sorry girls technical difficulties, give five" i jumped off Stefania and went to go get a drink when i spotted Barrett in between all the tech guys kinda awkwardly looking down.

"What are you doing her Barrett" i asked her. "What does it look like I'm doing watching your hot and steamy make out scene, also damn" Barrett laughed. "Shut up"i elbowed her. Truthfully i was glad she was there so one, it just wasn't me being the creep watching other people make out scenes but also to make it less embarrassing for me. "Your hot Italian girlfriend is gesturing for you" Barrett said pointing at Stefania. I walked over nervously. "Bella where'd you go you left me here all hot and steamy also is that Barrett" Stefania said with a hint of jealousy. "Oh I'm sorry i left you" i mocked her and she pulled a face. "And yes Barrett's there teasing me because i am kinda known for being a creep and watch her and Bretts make out before, well you know what" i said laughing. "Oh" Stefania said jealously. I looked at her puzzled. Was she jealous?

A/N sorry for any grammar mistakes or spelling areas I'm really bad. But yeah a longer part, i think the next one will also carry on until i get them together then i will go back to current time but we'll see. Thanks.

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