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"I should've been there." I groaned and held my face in my hands as I thought of my own uselessness. 

"You would've gotten hurt." Scarlet combatted my self deprecating words with her own logic.

I was getting the feeling that she was trying to reason with me, but I woke up in an awful mood complimented with a brutal headache, so in reality she was just really fucking annoying. Adam was clinging to her side and I really wanted to hop up and swing on him for not being by Lucas's side instead. I couldn't believe that our best friend was more concerned with his genitals and their needs and not Lucas nearly dying in a fight.

"It's my fault." Althea said as she rubbed her hands together and paced throughout the room. 

I was in slight agreement with those words, but I couldn't just announce that fact. I was in fear of being attacked and having the same results as Lucas. I kept my mouth shut instead, for my own safety, of course. However, I would be very vocal about my fear over her extraordinary gift and lack of logical use with it. 

"You didn't know." Chaos tried to soothe. 

"I felt something." Daniella said from where she was sitting. 

She was only eleven, but already very powerful and intelligent. She spoke and conducted herself as if she were at least a few years older. The color of her hair was a few shades lighter than Chaos's and her eyes were just a bit darker than his. They had the same facial shape with her features being softer and more roundish due to her young age, but she was already exceptionally taller than any other eleven year old I had met. She was almost five feet tall, at least, and  held her chin high with confidence that was blatantly obvious to anyone around her. 

This was all to be expected as she was Chaos's daughter. It was very weird and trippy, but I was aware of his families 'selective breeding' and what actually occurred that created Daniella. It was screwed up, but not rare for his family. 

It always resulted in beautiful and powerful kids, but Daniella's only apparent gift was being able to read minds and emotions. By now she should've had a sign of another power, but she could have been a late bloomer. I wasn't too concerned with that fact, however I had hoped she wouldn't use her gifts so carelessly as others had. 

"What'd you feel?" Chaos asked her.

"It was weird." Daniella crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. "I've never really felt that before."

"This kind of thing doesn't happen to me." Althea said with a growl that interrupted Daniella's explanation.

Daniella didn't seem too keen on being interrupted, as she shot a rude glare at Althea that went unnoticed. 

"Calm down." Chaos tried to reason with her again, but I was starting to worry with how erratic her mood swings were becoming.

"NO!" Her voice boomed. "I'm always the calculated one. I never make mistakes."

Her eyes were wild and held anger mixed with confusion. She had small swipes of blood all over her face and it made her look like a crazed demon from hell. She had turned into a being that was more animalistic in nature and had abandoned the cocky attitude that she usually held. All of this had made her so much more terrifying. 

"It's ok to want to sleep with someone." Daniella chimed and silenced the whole room. 

"How do you know she wanted that?" Scarlet asked. 

"Well I know what sex is." Daniella shrugged. "We all still have hormones. It's just gross when I can read someone's desire to want another person like that."

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