October 23. Lucas.

My skin was ripped apart by a strange burning sensation around my arms and my chest. The feeling had penetrated through my muscles and down into my bones and served as a major annoyance as I woke up. The more I registered the uncomfortable feeling I realized that it felt more like torn muscles. 

Did I over exert myself? 

"I can feel you awake." Althea said from her bathroom. "Give me a second to wash my face and do my hair and I'll be right out." 

"I'm sore." I groaned in response as I sat up to stretch. 

"I'm sorry." Althea said.

"I feel like I know everything about you." I chuckled to myself. 

"Liar." She snorted. "Did you know Chaos was my first kiss?"

"Mine to." I said quickly so I could squash the sudden feeling of jealousy that had bloomed under the sore flesh of my chest. 

"I'm kidding." She said with a dry tone. "We just say we kissed so people don't know he was the only person who would let me practice CPR on him."

She stepped out into the room and I felt a deep fluttery feeling inside of me. She hadn't looked at me yet, but I was stuck staring at her. Her skin looked like it was glowing and she was pulling her hair out of her face so that it was more visible. She finally looked up at me and-

"Fuck!" She gasped and stumbled back. 

"What?" I asked and stood up to try and comfort her. 

"Oh Goddess, Thanatos was right." Her face broke into an awestruck smile. "It's beautiful." 

"What?" I repeated and looked down at myself to see what she was staring at. 

My heart began to pound as I saw it. It was an intricate design of lightning strikes that had spread across my arms, through my chest, and seemed to knot together in the center of my chest just over my heart. The tattoos themselves were black and seemed to be deep embedded in my skin almost like a branding inside of me and not an actual tattoo. I sat down as I stared at myself.

"They're just like Thanatos's, but lightning." Althea said. "You're more than a Cambion."

I looked back up at her with a smile as her eyes filled with excitement and adoration. She crawled into the bed next to me and touched my skin. The flesh underneath her fingertips filled with goosebumps as she traced the tattoos and stared at them. The feeling of her admiring me was so intense and inexplicable. I didn't know how to describe what she did to me and how amazing it felt, but before I could begin there was a loud pounding at the door. 

"Hurry! It's important!" Andy's voice rang out which earned a huff from Althea as she stood up and made her way to the door. 

"I'm coming." I called out and grabbed my shirt off the floor and started to put it on. 

The door swung open and Andy burst in with Chaos hot on her heels. Both of them were beaming as Andy stepped fully into the front room and threw her arms out. The blanket she was covered in had fallen to the floor and I flinched at her bra and underwear.

"Oh my god." Althea gasped and raised Andy's arms. 

"They're beautiful aren't they?" Andy said with pride. 

"Wait did you two-"

"Lucas! Look!" Andy interrupted and darted toward me. 

"You're practically naked." I said and shielded my eyes with my T-shirt. 

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