October 18.


"Happy birthday, Lucas. I'm so sorry."

"She's so pretty!"

"What do you think her gift is?" 

"I hope it's air." 

The groan that I had let out was low and rumbled deep inside of my chest. I had never heard myself made such a strangled and pained sound, but it had happened. When I had done that, there was a sharp pain that rippled through my chest and all across my body, but it settled into a dull ache at the base of my neck and the back of my head. 

"Get back," A strong feminine voice had commanded. "I need room to work."

"Are they alright?" Emery's small and sweet voice chirped from somewhere at my bedside. 

"Your boyfriend is going to make it out alright. He is very strong." The woman commented in a very matter of fact and impressed tone. "Your girlfriend, however-"

She hesitated and I stirred a bit more. It was a slow stir that didn't hurt as much, but it was just enough to help me back into reality a bit. I had decided that I was going to return to being awake in smaller amounts. 

"What's wrong with her?" Althea said. 

"Well, the easiest way to put it is that something about her body was not compatible with turning. In a way it was eating her alive." The woman explained. "Which is odd because it rarely happens, but to the degree that it was happening is practically unheard of." 

"What degree?" Adam said in attentive worry. 

"I have never seen the turn so drastically cause internal bleeding. I have a theory that she may be an early-bloomer for her gift and that it could've caused her damage due to not being regulated. Her gift has to be extremely strong, however, which wouldn't have gone unnoticed like it has been." The woman explained further. 

"What can you do about it?" Chaos asked. 

"I've stopped the internal bleeding and I've made her as comfortable as I can, but there's nothing else that I can do." She said. 

"Is she dying?" Emery whispered with a heavy sadness in her voice. 

"No. There's nothing wrong with her. She doesn't have any illness, or injury, but everything that was being damaged in her body is now fully healed." The woman said. "All she has to do is wake up and receive nutrients to regain some of her strength."

"Andy?" I mumbled and winced from the pain.  

"She's right here." Chaos said softly.  

"Don't speak or move." The woman said in a gentle tone. "Regain some strength." 

"Will he be alright?" I could hear the tone in Adam's voice and it made me cringe.

That tone was flirty, but steady and held every bit of charm in his body. I could practically see him ready to reach out to her and give her a very calculated brush of skin or something to make his cologne waft over her. I could see her leaning in to him and falling for his crap, but there was nothing to come from it. 

"Yes. That's why I said the girl had the worst part." She said in a dry tone. 

I wanted to leap for joy. When Adam pursued a woman it was an endless chase of them trying to tease him and him continuing the chase until he has them and drops them because he's bored. He's a fuckboy at heart, unfortunately. However, when a woman told him no it was always glorious. He would be upset at the shut down but he would eventually pull himself together and move on without slandering her. That was one of his more commendable traits.

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