October 16


The school halls were pouring with kids jumping and running around as they hurried to their next classes or to their location they would skip class at. A lot of the kids were excited about the halloween dance that was right around the corner, the rest were excited about the halloween parties and whatever came with that. Honestly, it was all annoying and not worth the joy or aggravation. 

I was never particularly excited around this time of year. People found it way to easy to act stupid during the dance, but it gave me something to do for the night and something to focus on while at school. Anixa had forced me on the dance committee under the decorations category, so instead of paying attention to class work I was coloring in bats and pumpkins to later cut out and pin up in the gym. 

I zoned in on the wailing of the harsh guitar and the melodic screams of torturous pain that pounded out of my earbuds and into my ears as I opened my locker and put away my English textbook and reached for my homework that I had to turn in during my next class. It was decent start of the morning since I hadn't had to deal with anything crazy, but I knew that was about to change. 

I could feel a tornado of something evil and disturbing start to approach me. Its energy was twisted and dark and it sent shivers down my spine as I yanked out one earbud in preparation for this miniature apocalypse to hit me. 

My locker slammed shut in front of me, causing me to turn to the pale figure that had slammed the door. There stood my redhead with a huge smile and a sparkle in her eyes.

"Goodmorning!" She chirped. 

"Morning." I replied.

"Quit being so moody." Anixa rolled her eyes at me before turning her attention to her fresh manicure. "I have some tampons and Midol if you need it." 

"I'm alright." I gave her a fake smile. "Tampons make my vagina itch."

"Hi." Emery softly said from beside Anixa. 

"Hi." I replied in a gentle tone and a soft smile. 

God only knows how truly fragile that girl was. 

"Wanna walk to class together?" Andy asked. 

"Without Adam?" I gave her a suspicious glance. 

She would normally never leave Adam behind to walk to class on his own, in fear he might get lost and start a fist fight about it, unless he was late or busy making out with his girlfriend of the week. Even then she would hardly let him walk alone. 

Andy was apart of our original trio and although they were constantly pretending to hate each other or relentlessly 'flirting' as the called it, they were practically conjoined at the hip. Whenever he was in trouble she had somehow managed to get herself into trouble too. The two were in so many ISS classes that it was practically put on their class schedules. 

"He's gonna be late today." Anixa punctuated with a cocky smirk. 

"What'd you three do?" I asked. 

"I didn't help!" Emery corrected and confirmed my fears. "They used Chaos this time." 


"Nothing!" Andy interrupted and locked arms with me only to drag me to our second hour.

"You really shouldn't test your Clyde, Bonnie." I said through grit teeth. 

"He'll be fine."

Andy was sitting at the front of the class with earbuds in. Her cherry red hair was tied up and out of her face so she could focus on doodling instead of schoolwork. . She was wearing her "lucky" gauges today which had me questioning the occasion. 

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