October 31. Lucas. 

There was a strange rustling sound throughout the darkness that had me on edge. I could almost feel the evil and taunting whispers brush through me as I got closer to Morgue's power. I knew it was strong and I could already feel myself getting closer to him and his negative aura. It was intimidating and that startled me.

"I think he can probably feel us." Andy shivered as we both blanked out on any plans we previously had. 

They instantly became void as we felt his 'lair' seething with his power. While he sounded weak and annoying I was quickly coming to find out that he was a bigger threat than I had originally anticipated. With that knowing came a deep sense of doom as I glanced over to Andy. She had goosebumps on what little skin I could see and I knew she was feeling everything that I was as well. Worry built deep inside of me and for a second I thought about turning back and waiting for the other's to arrive to better our odds. 

"Let's rely on his villain monologue being long. We can improvise and use our gifts as last resorts. Don't get carried away and over exert yourself." 

"You either. It's not great etiquette to kidnap our friends while we haven't had time to figure out our gifts yet." Andy scowled. 

"That's not your biggest concern." Light shone through the tunnel at us. 

"Who are you?" Andy pulled out her blade and glanced up at the light haloed being. 

"Come this way if you want to see your friends." He whispered. 

"Who are you?" I repeated for Andy as the small guy started to turn.


Without warning, Andy had shot forward and tackled him to the ground. He made a strange groaning noise, and before I could stop her, Andy had gripped his dark hair and slammed his face into the ground. There was a partial scream that Andy had stifled with her hand and I could see her fingers begin to glow. 

There was a small muffled scream as the smell of charred flesh wafted over to me and made me gag. Then, Andy slammed his face into the ground again and Oculus's black eyes slammed shut on impact. Andy was panting and seemed pale from her violent interaction, but I didn't say anything to console her. I had warned her of this. 

"Let's keep moving." She swallowed and snatched up the discarded flashlight. 

"Keep being that ruthless." I advised as I followed her. "We need it if we're gonna do this."

"I know." She nodded to my words and clicked off the flashlight as we emerged to the opening of the warehouse. 

I was surprised to see all the lights were turned on, but the place was still worn down and smelled like mold. There were leaf piles mixed in with trash and knocked down structures littering the ground that made it seem like we had walked out into a dystopian world just after the apocalypse. The dark energy surged around us and really nailed in the apocalyptic aesthetic that clung in the air. 

"I think I'm gonna puke." Andy whispered. 

"Keep it together." I whispered back. 

There was a low groaning sound as footsteps came closer to us. Andy glanced passed me as recognition and rage played across her face. I moved to block her, but Andy wrenched me down and pulled my face closer to hers. 

"No matter what happens tonight I believe in you and I love you with all of my heart." Andy said as her fingers gripped my face and forced heat throughout my body. "I'll distract Draco until Chaos comes for us. Work on getting our friends out of here." 

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