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I couldn't stop thinking about Lilibeth. Worries crossed my heart for my rose. The way she looked....I've never seen her that bad before. She was so pale. Dizzy. Exhaustion overwhelmed her and she wasn't in the mood to hear anyone.

I didn't know if I should text her. Or call her. I didn't want to disturb her, but I so worried of her. I couldn't find sleep. So I called to my safest option. In a matter of seconds, Charity responded.

"Charity! How is she? Did you get to see her?"

"She's fine. I told her mom what happened and I saw her drink some tea. She looked much better after the shower she took. I honestly think she just needed her bed. You know how straight A students are like. It's only been a week of school and she's already panicked about grades."

"Mmm," I said quietly as I heard my father enter. His voice mumbling nonsense. I knew that he was drunk tonight. So I closed the door of my tiny room and whispered, "But...she was alright?"

"Yes. Don't worry. She should be fine by tomorrow. Why don't you call her?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna do that ri—"

"Oh wait. Mom's here. She wants to talk to you."

I clenched my jaw as I slowly sat back down on the edge of my bed. My happy heart went back to its heaviness as I heard her voice. "Son. Why didn't you respond to any of my calls? I wanted to wish you a happy birthday...."

I let out a small breath and fought back tears. All I could really do is stay silent. My mother sighed on the other end and said, "Well. I just wanted to let you know that I love you. No matter what happened in the past or what will happen in the future, you will always be my baby boy."

This made my tears fall out slowly as I bit my lip. I made sure not to make a single sound for either of my parents to hear. But my heart shattered when I heard my mother do a shaky breath and say, "Luke. I just hope that in this year...I can hug you again. Just as I did the very first time I held you in my arms..."

By that moment, a quiet sob escaped my lips that I was not able to control. I put the phone down on my leg and covered my face with my hand. My whole world seem to have fallen with those words. It was so hard to understand it all. I had an urge to run away. To hit something.

So I threw my phone on the pillow and kicked a box I had of a few of the things I stored away from the old house I lived with my mom. My father heard and started hitting me for interrupting his sleep. I let those hits distract my crying heart.

Now I regret it as I step out of work the next day. I made sure to wear a long sleeve to cover my bruises, so I'm sweating quite a bit. I take a quick shower at the house before Lilibeth arrives with her mother. She texted me asking if it was okay if she should could stop by with her mother to get some more blueberries. Of course I said yes. I wanted to see her now more than ever.

By the time I step out of the house into the front garden, I see Lilibeth leading her mother through the garden. Her eyes taking in every beautiful aspect of the garden with such wonder. When she gets to me, her eyes shine as she says, "This place is so beautiful, Luke! Is it yours?!"

"My boss lets me stay here whenever I need some time alone. Plus. I get paid a little for taking care of his late wife's garden."

"I can only imagine how it looks like in the backyard..."

Lilibeth gives me a sweet smile as I enjoy watching her mother touch a flower by a bush. "If you'd like, Mrs. Dawson, I can take you out back once we're done here."

"That'd be great, Luke. Thank you." Her warm eyes now look back at me and gives me a nod. I lead her to where there's even more fruits growing now and she gets her baskets ready.

"Mom. Let's start with the blueberries."

"You and your blueberries," Mrs. Dawson playfully says to Lilibeth and she gives her a small chuckle.

We quietly start to pick out blueberries and putting them in the baskets that they brought. I look at Lilibeth at one point and notice her glowing more than ever. "You look much better, love," I softly say to her.

We're now farther away from her mother so she looks back at me and smiles. "I'm feeling much better. It was real weird but I'm still alive." She does a little giggle and goes back to her blueberries.

"But...have gone to see a doctor?"

"This weekend, I have an appointment."


She straightens her back and turns to me. "Don't worry, mechanic boy. I'll be okay."

"I just figured that since you missed school today, you were probably getting checked up."

Lilibeth gives me a small smirk and slowly starts to go up to me. "Nah. I think that you were just missing me..."

I put a soft hand on the small of her back and smile down at her. "I always miss you when you are not by my side." I'm careful with my abdomen and arms. That's where my father hit me the most....

But she takes a light hold of my arm and I do a small wince. She notices this and furrows her brows. "Are you okay?"

I give her a fake smile. "Yes."

Her eyes slowly go to my arms and she lightly touches them. I quickly take her hand and gently put them away from my tender arm. With this, she knows what's going on. Her eyes immediately start to turn sad and I quickly bring her closer. "I'm okay..."

"When did he hit you?" I clench my jaw and stay silent. She gently wraps her hand around my waist and I wince. She quickly pulls her hand away and says, "Where else did he hit?"

"Lilibeth." I let my eyes burn through her as her eyes start to show a wave of emotions. I put a small kiss on her nose as she stands inches away from me. "I'm okay. I'll be okay, my rose. I promise. I've been through worse than this."

Her eyes threaten to water but she fights back her tears. "Are you sure?" I nod at her and I playfully put my nose on hers just like she does sometimes with me. She does a small chuckle as I wrinkle it and she starts to do the same.

"Will you be at school tomorrow?"

"Miss me?" she says with a smile.

I lay a kiss on her soft lips and say, "I miss you the moment you leave my side."

"Then I'll be back tomorrow for you."

"But you feel better?"

"I do now."

I look down as a blush threatens to start up. She tenderly caresses my cheek and her eyes shine for me. I would take her inside. Show her what she means to me. Show her that she is the only rose I can see blossom at my hold.

But her mother suddenly sees us from afar and says, "Alright, kids. Enough of that. Will you keep helping me out please?"

Lilibeth gently pulls away and goes up to her mother. She gives her a smile and I softly whisper to her just before she gets to her mother, "Thank you for the best birthday I've ever had, my love."

"Even though I ruined it."

"You did not because the best part of it was you." She looks back at me and her eyes shine. I know that deep down, we both know that we are the best part of each other, and there's no denying it. There's no going back.

So I'm ready for what comes next with my rose.

A Rose and A Kiss in the RainWhere stories live. Discover now