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They canceled the career tech field trip I had after school today and I go directly to work. Lili seems a little cranky today, so I gently gave her a goodbye. She barely noticed me and only gave me a small smile. She was very thoughtful when we were in Government class...

I've decided to give her space. There's no point in worrying. It won't make her feel any better.

But as I check up on a car, I can't help but think of her. I lay back in its red seat and look up at the clear skies. They are as blue as her eyes. Those tired eyes. Is there something going on at her house that's making her like this? Or did I say something?

"Luke?" I see Micheal coming over with a furrowed brow. "Hey man. What you doing?"

I shake my head at him and turn the key instead. It makes a humming noise and my heart fills with hope until it turns back off. "You've got to be kidding me..." I angrily say under my breath.

"Let me see."

He starts to open the hood of the car and I angrily say, "No." He looks back at me with surprise and I let out a sigh. "I'm sorry. I...I'm just...worried..." I get out and open the hood to look at the engine for the hundredth time.

"Worried about what?"

"Your sister. She's been...odd lately..."

"So I've heard. I don't spend much time at home to see her. I'm either in college or here."

"Hm. That must be fun."

"Or maybe she just doesn't like you anymore." I look up at him with a furrowed brows and he does a chuckle. "I'm kidding."

I shake my head and go back to the engine. There must be something I'm missing....

I scratch the back of my head and sigh. Before I start losing my mind, I look back at Micheal and say, "How's college like?"

"It's better than high school. That's for sure." I do a small chuckle with him and say, "What are you studying for?"

Micheal does a small sigh and says, "See. That's where I'm stuck. I've only been in college for two years. I'm a sophomore now and I'm still not sure what to do. I want to do dance, but my dad isn't....he likes that I dance, but he prefers I keep that as a minor."

"I see. Then why don't you do something in performing arts?"

"I don't think he'd like that..."

"He told you?"

His dark eyes look at me and a hint of sadness runs through them. "No....I don't really talk about it with him."

"Then how do you know he won't like it if you haven't asked him?"

"You telling me I'm wrong?" He puffs up his chest and comes closer to me. I take a quick step back and say, "That's not what I meant!"

He does a small laugh and goes back to the engine. "I don't know how my sister loves you. You are so weird, man!"

I smile at the thought of Lilibeth. My heart shrinks at the memory of her tired state. Those eyes begging for some sort of end to her misery. I gently go back to the engine by him and softly say, "I hope she gets better. I miss her shine."

"Let me guess. She got cranky with you?" I only look at him and he nods at my silence. "Then wait for a week and she'll be back to normal. She's probably in those moments of the month, if you know what I mean...."

I nod and let my heart rest at this. I guess he's right. Wait. We are actually talking to each other like civilized people!

"Hey. My dad says you're pretty good at the handy work he needed help with. You plan on being some sort of engineer or something?"

"I don't think so. But I do like doing things like that. Handy work. Mechanical and building stuff."

"Then you should consider taking Mechanical Engineering at my school. They have a really good program there."

"I bet it costs a lot of money though...." The thought of telling my father that I'm going to college will only make me end up with bruises the next day. Especially if I'm using my money for something else instead of his things.

But Micheal turns towards me and a new kind of shine starts in his eyes. He gives me a smile and says, "But there's another way that not everyone knows about...."

"What do you mean?"

"You know...I'm supposed to be a freshman this year, but I skipped a grade because of an exam I took."

"An exam?"

"Yes. It's called the Gifted Exam. Only those that work at the facility have a pass to take it for free. Luke. I've seen you there. Among our guards. You're one of the good ones."

My eyes grow wide at this. Even at the facility, I like to hide away from people. But I've been hanging out at the engineering section where all the machines are at. He must have seen me there.

Luke does a small laugh and says, "Ask for that exam and you can see if you are worth it. If you are smart enough to even skip many grades and finish college in a year. Trust me. There's people at the facility that have done that before."

"Really? You really think it'll help me?"

"What do you got to loose if you don't pass?"

A lot actually. But only Lilibeth would understand. I smile at Micheal as he goes back to the engine. He moves something around and says, "Alright. Try it out again?"

I quickly sit back inside and turn the key. And just like the beautiful sound of a working car, my heart comes back to life with hope. With hope for what Micheal just told me. If I'm able to take that test and just go to college for a year, I will be able to hide from my father long enough. I know I can.

I finally see a rainbow at the end of the rainy storm of my life. Just a few more months and I'll be able to see the blue skies again....

I can't wait to tell Lilibeth about my new plans.

A Rose and A Kiss in the RainWhere stories live. Discover now