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The only thing that wakes me up from my sleep is the painful growls coming from my stomach. I slowly get up and wait for that usual queasiness to come, but the only thing I get is a long rumble from my stomach.

I put a hand on my stomach as it begs me to listen and groan. I understand my odd appetite now. Despite of these symptoms, I'm growing a baby inside of me. It must need lots of food for the both of us now...

So I tiredly go to the bathroom and change out to whatever I find first. I don't even care how I look like today as long as I get breakfast.

The smell of scrambled eggs sends my stomach to make me wince with its ravenous growls. I get to the kitchen counter and smile at my mother as she stands at the stove.

"Good morning, sweetheart."

"Morning, Mom. Can I help you finish up breakfast quickly?" My mouth waters and I have this anxiety to take my plate already.

But Mom continues on with her slow cooking as she says, "No, it's okay. I'll be done in a little bit."

My stomach angrily responds back and I say, "Can I eat what you have done on my plate?"

Mom looks at me now with confusion. "Can't you wait a little?" My stomach does another painful rumble and I quickly shake my head. She does a small scoff and says, "Okay. Since you're not much of a big eater, I thought that-"

"Which one is my plate, Mom?"

I go over to the counter and point at a row of plates set out with a little bit of fruit and a toast. Mom furrows her brows at me and says, "Any, I guess."

"Okay." I quickly take the one that's mostly filled and sit at the table. My mom watches me with surprise when I dig in my plate as if I haven't eaten in days.

"So I'm guessing your nausea is gone?" Mom says as she comes by me with the pan and carefully puts the rest of the scrambled eggs on my plate.

For sure nausea is gone as my stomach keeps growling at me to finish up all of my plate without a rest. So I don't respond to my mother as I concentrate to fill up my stomach.

"Hey. I forgot to tell you yesterday, but guess what?"

"What?" I say as I take a long drink of my almond milk. Is this even good for the baby?

"The clinic called that I had the option to take you today around noon. So I'll pick you up early to go to the doctor."

I nearly choke on my drink when I hear this. Panic quickly arises within me as she turns around with a proud smile. I can't help but let my eyes grow wide in surprise and my heart falls to my feet.

"You said yes?!"

"Yes. Why? You have something important to do at school?"

More like telling you I'm pregnant before the doctor does!

My stomach flips as nerves overwhelm me and I suddenly start to feel nauseous.

Oh no.

I take deep breaths and my mother quickly comes by me with worry. "Honey? What's wrong?"

"I...I don't feel so—" My breakfast immediately comes back up my mouth and I run to the bathroom. I barely make it to the toilet as I hurl.

"Honey!" And just like before, she holds my hair and forehead to support my body from lurching over to empty out my stomach. I groan tiredly when I finish, and I slowly sit on the edge of the tub.

My mother flushes the toilet and tenderly looks at my exhausted face. She can't help but worry even more as she says, "Baby. Stay today. I want you rest up and we can solve this once we get to the doctor."

A Rose and A Kiss in the RainWhere stories live. Discover now