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The tenderness on my chest is back and I don't care about anything right now. I hate everyone...

I lay my head down in my first class. He's distracted showing us the essay we have to do by next week. And Luke covers most of me so I'm save to take a quick nap.

The moment I hit my desk, I knock out.

For what felt like seconds later, I feel a light touch on my head. I slowly open my drowsy eyes and look up to see Luke smiling at me. "Baby...the bell just rang. We have to get to class."

I groan and my body screams at me to just stay there to continue sleeping. But then my stomach awakens and demands as to why I missed breakfast. My head starts to pound at all the screams coming from my body and I let out a small whimper.

"Lilibeth?" His voice is soft as he sits back down at the seat in front of him. "Sweetheart. Are you alright?"

I drag my body to sit upright now and I give Luke a small nod. "I'm fine.."

"Do you need to go to the nurse's office?" Mr. Wall says from his desk now. "You don't look so good."

"I'll be fine." I slowly get up and Luke gently takes my hand. He waves goodbye at our teacher and we step into the crowd of people.

My stomach does a rumble that makes me wince. I look at the time and say, "Do you think the student store is open?"

"I don't think so. What do you need, love?"

"I need food."

"You didn't eat breakfast?" My stomach angrily responds to him and I sadly shake my head. "That's why you're so tired. Breakfast is the most important part of the day to keep you going."

The sound of his logic makes my stomach growl louder. This suddenly makes me angry and I mumble to him, "I get it, Luke." The warning bell rings and I let go of his hand. "I have to get to class." I don't even look back at him to give him a kiss. I can't stand anyone right now.

So I sit all the way at the back table to numb out the sound of the teacher's voice in Yearbook class. The only thing I hear her say among my exhaustion is that we're going to meet up after school to go to that lame field trip with the career tech students.

I think Luke is part of that. Did I ever make my mom sign that permission slip?

I can't believe that right when I'm looking for someone with the box of chocolates, there is no one selling today. Not even in Physics! Everyone sells in Physics class!

Luke doesn't ask for my help today. He seems scared to even talk to me. I lay my head down and close my eyes. Screw next week's test.

By the time we get to theater, my stomach makes me crankier with its agonizing sounds coming out of me. Francesca even looks at me as we sit in the audience chairs when my stomach does a loud and long growl.

"You're starving, Lili. Did you have breakfast today?"

I had my head on the back of the seat and my feet up on the handle of the seat in front of me. My stomach begged Francesca for help as it rumbled at her. I closed my eyes and said, "Yes. I get it. I'm not supposed to skip breakfast. I'm a monster."

"I never said that. I was just asking a question."

"Well I'm answering your question!"

Francesca furrows her brows at my sudden attitude with her. "Lili. Are you okay?"

"No! I'm tired and if I wasn't so nauseous in the morning, I probably wouldn't be like this!"

Francesca gives me wide eyes and stays silent. My heart grows sad for just hurting my friend but I can't help it. I wish I can just be home in my bed.

By the time the bell rings, I race out without anyone noticing. I make my way to the cafeteria without waiting for Charity and make sure to be first in line. My stomach cries out to me to just shove everything I see, but I pick out the best despite of my starvation. At last, I walk out to my usual table and Charity angrily looks at me from there.

"If you weren't going to wait for me, you should've at least called."

"Can you leave me alone?" I sit down and ignore Luke looking at me as he makes his way to the library.

Charity notices this and says, "Is it my brother? Did you guys fight?"

I roll my eyes at her as I shove my mouth with the turkey gravy from the cafeteria. Charity sees that I won't cooperate so she gets her food alone. By the time she gets back, I've already finished my lunch and my stomach is finally at peace. It makes me sleepier, so I lay my head on my arm on the hard table.

Charity's eyes soften at my state and says, "Hey, Lili? Have you been to the doctor?" I shake my head on my arm and I hear her say, "You should go. One day you're dying and then the other it's like nothing ever happened."

"I know. Something must be wrong," Francesca says this time. "I heard that the flu was coming early this year."

"It smells like death." I clench my jaw when I hear Hayden say this. He sits by me and whispers, "Let me guess. Trouble in paradise?"

I abruptly sit up and angrily say, "Hayden! Can you shut up?!"

"Okay," Charity says as she gets up from across the table. "Let's go."

"In don't want to walk," I mumble.

"But clearly you need some fresh air."

"I'm tired."

"Then I can take you somewhere where there's a place to lay down a bit. Let's go." I groan and drag my legs to get me up. I start to walk away without saying goodbye, but I know that my friends are watching me leave.

I know where she's taking me. In the hallway of the changing rooms there's a couch or in the Boy's locker room from theater. But we slowly make our way there.

Charity stays silent for a little until she says, "What's going on, Lili? Is it my brother?" I shake my head at her and she sighs. "Well. I hope you see a doctor soon. Francesca told me you were nauseous in the morning. Are you still feeling nauseous?"

Her voice faded out a while ago as I fought back the sensation of puking. But as we pass by a trash bin, the strong smell of it triggers my puking. I don't listen to Charity anymore as I run to the trash bin and puke in there.

"Oh my god!" Charity quickly takes a hold of my hair and puts her palm on my forehead as I puke out everything I just ate.

"Lili. Let's go to the nurse's office. Ew." Worry runs through her eyes as she takes out a closed water bottle from her backpack.

I shake my head at her and weakly say, "No. I don't want my mother to worry. She's busy at work today."


But I don't respond back as I run back to the trash bin and throw up whatever is left in my stomach. Charity once again helps me and the only thing I hear among my aching screams my mind is doing is her small chuckle. "Dude. I swear. If I wouldn't know you, I'd say you're pregnant."

And just like that, my heart falls. Deep down, it's like something clicked and I shiver at this comment.

I haven't thought of it. And it might just be true...

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