College and a Seance

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The classroom inside the small community college was full when Julie walked in. Some of the other students turned to look at her arrival while others just continued their small talk. She found an empty seat halfway into the classroom and right next to a window. From this point of view on the second floor Julie could see the yellow apartments that housed most of the students, including her. As she started to pull her textbooks from her bag her brown eyes began to search the room and faces of the other students. Most of the students were plain, like her, but it was one student that caught her eye. The young man was sitting a couple of seats away, busying himself in his own text books, and as if sensing her eyes on him he lifted his face and glanced over, blue eyes making contact with her face.

Julie quickly looked away, her stomach tying into knots in an instant. She had always been the shy girl, very conservative for the most part being raised in the woods by her over protective father and overly religious mother. Pushing a piece of her red hair behind her ear she pretended to busy herself in her own text book. When the teacher walked into the classroom and introduced himself the entire class quieted. By the end of the class, Julie knew that the young man's name was David, and he was a local student, like herself.

After class Julie walked down the stairs, slightly frustrated in herself for leaving so quickly when it almost seemed he had been taking his time to pack up. As she walked through the parking lot towards the yellow apartment buildings she heard her name. She looked over her shoulder and spotted David walking towards her. Her heart gave a little jump in her chest and she stumbled over her own foot, causing her to drop her bag. Her name was called again and as she bent to pick her bag up she glanced at David, whom continued past her, giving her a brief smile as a small brunette, dressed completely in black rushed to her side.

"I've been calling your name, what the hell is wrong with you?" she picked up one of the pens that had fallen out of Julie's bag and shook her head.

Julie grunted and stood, adjusting her bag on her shoulder as she tried to get her bearings, more embarrassed now than ever before, "Nothing's wrong at all, I'm just a little clumsy today." She answered with a fake smile, "How was your classes today Kait?"

The brunette, Kait, shifted her own bag on her shoulder as she shrugged, "It was alright I guess, a little too much homework for me but I guess that'll keep me from partying too much this weekend."

Julie rolled her eyes at her roommate and they started walking again.

"So, I see you're already flabbergasted by someone." Kait remarked with a laugh and Julie frowned at her.

"I am not."

"It's obvious, written all over your face girl."

Julie felt her cheeks redden, "I believe you're out of your mind Kaitlyn."

Kait shook her head, "Obviously you are. Are there not any good looking guys out there in the sticks where you're from?"

Julie didn't answer her as they crossed the street and headed to their apartment.

Two Months Later

"I thought you said you had homework to do Kait." Julie commented as Kait searched her closet.

She pulled out a yellow dress that came down to Julie's ankles and turned to look at Julie with disgust, "Is this really all you have to wear girl? We are totally taking you out tomorrow to go clothes shopping."

Julie grunted at her comment and took the dress from Kait, hanging it back up in the closet, "I like my dresses thank you very much."

"Well you dress like a Mormon, I'm sure I've got something that'll fit your skinny ass in my closet."

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