Chapter 3 - Lost in the Fog

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Roman's hopes immediately revived, as he saw a small smile tugging at the corners of his father's mouth.

When the last yellow leaf falls, fate is sealed.


Marsus wrapped his son into an embrace one last time. "Be safe, son." he said and pressed a tender kiss on the top of Roman's head.

Remus insisted on accompanying his brother out until their father approved because no matter how rarely he smiled, he couldn't resist his sons' antics.

- -

"And invite me to your wedding!" Remus said jokingly as he watched Roman adjusting the saddle on his majestic horse, Cyclone.

"You wish!" Roman told him and hit him on the shoulder while letting out a chortle.

"Woe is me!" his brother put a hand on his chest "What a shame that I cannot attend my dear brother's wedding where he will happily swear to stay with the love of his life. Blegh!" Remus bent down and threateningly held out a hand full of dirt towards Roman's face "Not for long."

"ARGH! GET IT AWAY! AWAY!" he shouted and slapped his hand away causing the dirt to fall from it.

"Fine! Fine! Your loss!"

"You're so mature, son of King Marsus, Prince Remus of Flaremont." Roman remarked sarcastically and went to caress Cyclone's neck "So mature that Cyclone will send you the invitation personally. Right, buddy?"

The steed let out a huff of satisfaction when she felt her friend's warm hand running through her jaw.

"I'll see about it." Remus responded to the offer and petted Cyclone's forehead where a white telltale spiral was visible.

After a moment he broke the silence with a sniff "You know how much I hated these sappy endings in fairytales and... that I'd always rather know how the dragon or mage is being murdered or whatnot in the end." which he stifled as he wiped his nose "But I would've never thought I'd hate them even more in real life-...! ...And not like I would ever miss you or anything. But you know that because I always tell you that and I tell you that I hate you sometimes, no, always but-!"

As a brother should Roman immediately knew that his twin brother was in need of comfort. His instincts didn't betray him since Remus' arms tightened around him after he embraced him. "Remus..."

"Who am I going to tease if not you!? It's gonna be so lonely without you...!" he chuckled pitifully.

"It won't be lonely, brother!" Roman reassured as they separated and he held Remus' shoulders "I won't be sending letters only to father." Roman pulled out a little package of papers out of his bag "See? We can exchange letters every day easily!"

"Wait... Our powers!" Remus gasped and sparkles appeared in his eyes.

"Yes! The next months will fly by as if they were only a moment!"

"Let it be!"

"But no matter what happens I won't let you make fun of me, not even through letters." Roman said, and flicked his brother's forehead.

"Ow! You think I'd give up?" while Roman sat on Cyclone's back Remus added "Find your happiness, you lovesick moron! Just don't let them take your heart out before I can!"

"No promises!" the red-cloaked prince jokingly responded and pulled the rein "Go, girl!" he exclaimed and soon the prince with the mustache could only see a dot in the distance.

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