New quirk discovery?

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Izuku POV
"Hey papa..." He turned around and saw me, and in a flash he was already hugging me.
It was nice to be back in his arms, even though he's my step dad.

"Hello Izuku how have you been!!" He looked like a puppy, he was sooo exited. It was kind of funny.

"I've been great and I'm really happy to see you again, and you!?!" I was really exited to hang out with my friends again, so I wanted to hurry this up.
That sounded so mean.

"I've been good hun, now hurry up, I think your friends are waiting for you!"
He laughed at my exited face.

"Okay, bye papa, see you later!" I ran down stairs and nearly tripped on the last one.

I ran over to Sangwoo, who was bickering with Harry. Them two and they're fucking bickering.
I snickerd as I heard Sangwoo call Harry an imp.

Agatha and Jeffery were trying to make them stop, but every effort was not of use.
"Oi, shut up!" I shouted, the two boys must of had a fright cause they stopped.

Agatha and Jeffery gave me a thanking look.
"When is school gonna start?"I was curious, no one told me when I was going to go.
"Tomorrow, so that's why we're going to the mall." Sangwoo started dragging me, the others wouldn't do that cause they know how close I am to Sangwoo, we're like brothers.

We arrived at the mall in about 10 minutes because we don't live that far from it.
When we go there, I had to go to the toilet, so I asked them to wait for me whilst I go to the loo.
As I was walking, I felt like I had a bad ass and head. I thought it was probably cause we walked, but I wasn't so sure.

As I went into the stall, I saw my shadow moveing, so I stopped moving and the shadow still moved.

"Hello?" I asked cautiously.
"Ah hello, you've finally found out." The mysterious voice asked. I started looking around only to se that there was nobody around except me and my shadow.
I turned around to look at it, and saw that the shadow had a big grin on his face. His eyes were white like his mouth, and he waved at me whilst snickering at my dumbfounded face.

I swear I saw his grin getting bigger when I waved back.
"So what and who are you?" I was really curious.
He looked at me and started to count down. When it landed on one, I felt a very bad pain on my head and my ass.

"I am your quirk." It told me like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
When I looked closer, I could now see that he had big cat ears and tail.
When he saw me looking at his ears and tail, he looked me right in the eyes.

"Go look at yourself in the mirror." A said serously. I know I've only met him for about 3 minutes, but looking at him serious is kinda scary.

I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, I was about to scream when a shadow hand landed on my mouth to stop me from screaming.
When he saw that I was not gonna scream, he hesitantly took his hand of my mouth and looked at me.

"They suit you very well." I looked at him, then at the mirror, and I would be lying if I said he was wrong.

"Your right but i need to go back to my friends, could you transform back into my shadow?" He looked at me the nodded. He transformed back into my shadow.

"I really want to know you friends.." A voice in my head said.
"You can talk to me in my mind?"
I ran out of the bathroom and ran to my friends...

Sorry for the late updates recently, I was working on a new book called Izuku Afton, on my iPad. My user name is The_Official_VDeku.

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