Long hair-wait WHAT?!

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Izuku POV
I woke up by the most annoying sound in the world, an alarm clock. I groaned and sluggishly took my covers of me, and started to get ready.
"You do realize what day it is today, right?" Senka asked telepathically. "No?" I grumbled, a headache already starting to form this early in the morning. "Today is the first day of school..." He replies in a deadpan tone making me chuckle, but I quickly stopped when I realized he was right. "Oh SHIT!" I started to run around my room whilst Senka was internally laughing at my pity full state.

I started running to my wardrobe until I tripped over something. I looked behind me and found a black tail. What the... I thought to myself. I lifted my hands up to touch my head until I felt two ears. I started to panick. As I was panicking, flailing my arm everywhere, my fingers got stuck in a hair knot. I was really confused because I had short hair the day before. I ran to my bathroom and looked in the mirror.

All the neighbors could hear was a man screaming about growing hair that morning....

"-and then I had FUCKING LONG HAIR!" Sangwoo cackled looking at the green haired dude who had his hair tied up in a messy bun.
Who could blame him though, his best friend that he just saw yesterday had grown long hair through the night and comes to him screeching like and idiot at 7:00 in the morning.

Okay guys, I don't know where tf this story's going so PLEASE HALP.! (Sorry for not posting...)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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